920 Clay Street
Bowling Green, KY. 42101
Educational Counseling of America is 19.5 miles from Morgantown, KY
Educational Counseling of America is devoted to helping the residents of Morgantown, KY. and the surrounding areas to recovering from the problems and issues that arrive from drug an/or alcohol abuse. As such, Educational Counseling of America provides a wide range of services in line with their belief of treatments that work - including short term addiction treatment facilities, long term addiction treatment facilities, outpatient hospital programs, inpatient detoxification facilities, inpatient rehab facilities and others.
Educational Counseling of America also believes that it is necessary that every individual client gets highly personalized services to ensure their recovery. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive/behavior therapy, activity therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, trauma therapy, cognitive/behavior therapy and others. Additionally, Educational Counseling of America is specialized in co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, legal advocacy, substance abuse education, aftercare/continuing care, child care for clients children, residential beds for client's children, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment services that this addiction treatment program uses aims to provide positive and lasting change for each individual.
Lastly, Educational Counseling of America accepts private pay, private medical insurance, military insurance, payment assistance, county or local government funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and more.