Time Out Community Counseling and Correctional Services LLC
112A South Public Square
Glasgow, KY. 42141
Time Out Community Counseling and is 18.1 miles from Edmonton, KY
Time Out Community Counseling and has made a name for itself by dedicating its addiction services to the people who struggle with substance abuse issues in Edmonton and its surrounding areas.
Services are offered on an individualized basis to make sure people achieve full recovery in the long term. Time Out Community Counseling and has also specialized in substance abuse counseling approach, individual psychotherapy, dialectical behavior therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy, and others - as well as many other treatment methods such as active duty military, persons with serious mental illness, seniors or older adults, domestic violence, legal advocacy, clients with HIV/AIDS, and more.
Additionally, Time Out Community Counseling and has programs such as inpatient addiction treatment programs, detoxification programs, intensive outpatient treatment, short term addiction treatment programs, long term drug rehab centers for clients with addictions to drugs and alcohol. The addiction treatment facility uses treatment modalities that can provide permanent stability to any person with an alcohol and drug use problem. Finally, Time Out Community Counseling and accepts individuals with different kinds of payment methods - including cash or self-payment, private insurance, medicaid, medicare, payment assistance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.