Rivendell Behavioral Health Services
1035 Porter Pike
Bowling Green, KY. 42103
Rivendell Behavioral Health Services is 15.7 miles from Brownsville, Kentucky
Brownsville, KY has nearby treatment options including: 3 medicaid programs, 1 inpatient rehab, 3 drug rehabs that take private insurance like Blue Cross Blue Shield, 1 detox center, 3 outpatient treatment programs.
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Rivendell Behavioral Health Services is 15.7 miles from Brownsville, Kentucky
Educational Counseling of America is 16.9 miles from Brownsville, Kentucky
Educational Counseling of America has been dedicating its treatment programs and services to helping individuals who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse in Brownsville and within the surrounding area.
To this end, Educational Counseling of America facilitates a wide collection of treatment and rehabilitation methods, including outpatient detox facilities, outpatient individual counseling, inpatient drug treatment, short term addiction treatment programs, long term treatment centers and more. Educational Counseling of America also believes that it is necessary that it offers tailored services to ensure that its clients get the results that they need. This is why Educational Counseling of America is specialized in rational emotive behavioral therapy, brief intervention approach, relapse prevention, behavior modification, 12-step facilitation approach, cognitive/behavior therapy, among other programs.
Educational Counseling of America also provides housing services, active duty military, social skills development, seniors or older adults, legal advocacy, persons with eating disorders, and offers some of the best continued recovery programs - all of which have been proved to be useful in helping its clients. This alcohol and drug treatment facility also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve full stability both in the long term and permanently.
Educational Counseling of America also accepts the following types of payment - private medical insurance, private pay, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, state corrections or juvenile justice funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and more.
LifeSkills is 17.1 miles from Brownsville, Kentucky
LifeSkills has been dedicating its services and programs to helping individuals who are struggling with substance abuse in Brownsville, KY. and within the surrounding area.
To this end, LifeSkills offers a wide variety of treatment and rehabilitation methods, including detox facilities, outpatient individual counseling, inpatient treatment programs, short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, long term treatment programs and more. LifeSkills also believes that it is necessary that it presents unique services to ensure that its clients get the results that they want. This is why LifeSkills is specialized in rational emotive behavioral therapy, brief intervention approach, relapse prevention, behavior modification, 12-step facilitation approach, cognitive/behavior therapy, among other programs.
LifeSkills also provides housing services, active duty military, social skills development, seniors or older adults, legal advocacy, persons with eating disorders, and offers some of the best aftercare programs - all of which are helpful to its clients. This addiction treatment program also uses treatment modalities that can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
LifeSkills also accepts the following forms of payment - private health insurance, private pay, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, state corrections or juvenile justice funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and more.
Haven4Change is 18 miles from Brownsville, Kentucky
Haven4Change has been dedicating its treatment programs and services to helping people who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse in Brownsville, Kentucky and within the surrounding area.
Haven4Change facilitates a wide collection of treatment and rehabilitation methods, including inpatient detox facilities, outpatient substance abuse treatment services, inpatient drug rehab centers, short term rehab facilities, long term rehab centers and more. Haven4Change also believes that it is vital that it presents tailored services to ensure that its clients get the results that they require. This is why Haven4Change is specialized in rational emotive behavioral therapy, brief intervention approach, relapse prevention, behavior modification, 12-step facilitation approach, cognitive/behavior therapy, among other programs.
Haven4Change also provides housing services, active duty military, social skills development, seniors or older adults, legal advocacy, persons with eating disorders, and offers some of the best aftercare programs - all of which are helpful to its clients. This drug and alcohol rehab also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Haven4Change also accepts the following forms of payment - private health insurance, cash or self-payment, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, state corrections or juvenile justice funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and more.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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