1525 Cuba Road
Mayfield, KY. 42066
Mayfield, KY has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 1 low cost program, 1 inpatient treatment center, 1 drug rehab that takes PPO insurance like Blue Cross Blue Shield, 1 detox center, 4 outpatient treatment programs.
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West Kentucky Drug and Alcohol is a substance abuse treatment facility for people residing in Mayfield and within the surrounding neighborhoods and battling a drug and alcohol use disorder . It provides services like couple/family therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, anger management, behavior modification, cognitive/behavior therapy, trauma therapy and more, that are in keeping with its philosophy of the treatments that have been proved to work.
West Kentucky Drug and Alcohol believes in individual treatment to ensure that their patients find success and sobriety. The substance abuse treatment facility also specializes in other types of care like persons who have experienced sexual abuse, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, persons with serious mental illness, legal advocacy, residential beds for client's children, seniors or older adults - among many others. All these services are also offered by West Kentucky Drug and Alcohol in a variety of settings like long term drug rehab facilities, outpatient substance abuse treatment services, inpatient detox programs, inpatient rehabs, short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, as well as others.
In addition, it has aftercare plans designed to help you find lasting sobriety. These programs have ensured that West Kentucky Drug and Alcohol has a special place within the local community, especially because they lead to positive long term outcomes for the people who enroll into this alcohol and drug rehabilitation program. Lastly, West Kentucky Drug and Alcohol accepts private insurance, private pay, military insurance, sliding fee scale, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.
A New Day Counseling Service LLC is 18.3 miles from Mayfield, KY
A New Day Counseling Service LLC is a drug and alcohol rehab for people residing in Mayfield, KY. and within the surrounding neighborhoods and struggling with an alcohol and drug use disorder . As such, it offers services like couple/family therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, anger management, behavior modification, cognitive/behavior therapy, trauma therapy and more, that are in keeping with its philosophy of the treatments that have been proved to work.
A New Day Counseling Service LLC believes in individual treatment to ensure that their clients find success and sobriety. The addiction treatment program has also specialized in other treatments like persons who have experienced sexual abuse, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, persons with serious mental illness, legal advocacy, residential beds for client's children, seniors or older adults - among many others. All these services are also provided by A New Day Counseling Service LLC in different settings like long term rehab centers, outpatient individual counseling, inpatient detoxification centers, inpatient rehab programs, short term treatment facilities, as well as others.
Further, it has aftercare plans and other treatment methods created to help you achieve permanent sobriety. These programs have ensured that A New Day Counseling Service LLC has a special place within the local community, especially because they lead to positive long term outcomes for the people who enroll into this alcohol and drug rehabilitation program. Lastly, A New Day Counseling Service LLC accepts private medical insurance, private pay, military insurance, sliding fee scale, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.
Behavioral Management LLC is 19.1 miles from Mayfield, Kentucky
Behavioral Management LLC is a substance abuse treatment facility for individuals residing in Mayfield and its surrounding areas and struggling with a substance use issue . As such, it offers services like couple/family therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, anger management, behavior modification, cognitive/behavior therapy, trauma therapy and more, that are in line with its philosophy of evidence based treatments that are proven effective.
Behavioral Management LLC believes in individual treatment to ensure that their patients achieve the best possible results. The addiction treatment center has also specialized in other treatments like persons who have experienced sexual abuse, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, persons with serious mental illness, legal advocacy, residential beds for client's children, seniors or older adults - among many others. Many of these services are also provided by Behavioral Management LLC in different settings like long term rehabs, intensive outpatient treatment, detox facilities, inpatient addiction treatment facilities, short term drug and alcohol rehab centers, as well as others.
In addition, it has aftercare plans and programs created to help you find permanent sobriety. These programs have made sure that Behavioral Management LLC has a special place within the local community, especially because they lead to both positive short and long term outcomes for the clients who enroll into this drug and alcohol rehab program. Last but not least, Behavioral Management LLC accepts private insurance, private pay, military insurance, sliding fee scale, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.
Online drug abuse counseling is increasingly available, offering a convenient and flexible option for those seeking help with substance use disorders. You can enroll in online counseling through several different types of services. Here are a few to consider:
For homeless individuals struggling with substance abuse, accessing help can be particularly challenging due to factors such as limited resources, absence of stable housing, and potential co-occurring mental health disorders. However, there are a number of avenues that a homeless person can explore to get help:
Government Programs: Many cities have government-funded programs that provide services for homeless individuals, including substance abuse treatment. These may include detoxification, outpatient counseling, residential treatment, and medication-assisted treatment. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) are two significant sources of such assistance.
Community Health Clinics: Community health clinics often offer a range of services, including substance abuse treatment, on a sliding scale based on income. These clinics also frequently provide referrals to other necessary services.
Nonprofit Organizations: Many nonprofit organizations offer resources and support for homeless individuals struggling with substance abuse. These may include recovery support groups, transitional housing, job training programs, and other services.
Outreach Programs: Outreach programs are designed to connect with individuals who may not seek help on their own. Outreach workers may go to places where homeless individuals congregate to provide resources and assistance.
Housing First Programs: These programs, which prioritize providing individuals with stable housing without requiring sobriety or participation in treatment first, have been shown to be effective in helping people maintain recovery and improve their quality of life.
Emergency Departments and Hospitals: In a crisis, emergency medical personnel can provide immediate assistance and connect individuals with longer-term substance abuse treatment resources.
Veterans Services: If the individual is a veteran, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers many services, including substance abuse treatment, mental health services, and housing assistance.
"Denial can have a profound impact on individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, significantly affecting their health, relationships, and overall quality of life. Here are some ways in which denial can impact substance abusers:
Prevents Acknowledgment of the Problem: The most immediate impact of denial is that it prevents individuals from recognizing and acknowledging that they have a problem with drugs or alcohol. This can delay them from seeking treatment and starting the recovery process.
Perpetuates Substance Abuse: Denial can contribute to the continued use of substances despite negative consequences. Individuals may downplay the extent of their substance use or its impact on their life, allowing the cycle of addiction to continue.
Deteriorates Health: Denial can lead to a lack of recognition of the serious health consequences related to substance abuse. This can result in worsening physical health, including damage to vital organs, increased risk of disease, and potential overdose.
Strains Relationships: Denial can strain relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. It can cause conflicts, broken trust, and isolation, as the individual may reject concern from others or fail to acknowledge the impact of their substance use on those around them.
Hinders Professional and Academic Progress: Denial can prevent individuals from seeing the negative effects of their addiction on their work or studies. This can lead to job loss, poor academic performance, or loss of career or educational opportunities.
Interferes with Treatment: Even if an individual does seek treatment, denial can interfere with the effectiveness of the intervention. An individual in denial may be resistant to treatment strategies, less likely to engage fully in the recovery process, or more likely to relapse.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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