Egyptian Public and Mental Health Dept
9520 Goldhill Road
Shawneetown, IL. 62984
Egyptian Public and Mental Health Dept is 6.6 miles from Ridgway, Illinois
Egyptian Public and Mental Health Dept is committed to helping anyone with an alcohol or drug use problem in Ridgway, IL. and within the surrounding neighborhoods find full recovery. It offers several services - such as long term rehab facilities, outpatient hospital programs, inpatient rehab facilities, short term drug treatment, inpatient detox facilities and others - in keeping with its philosophy of the addiction treatment and rehab modalities that work in recovery. This alcohol and drug treatment facility also believes that clients need individual care to be able to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.
As such, Egyptian Public and Mental Health Dept specializes in matrix model, trauma therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive, anger management, group therapy, individual psychotherapy and more. Similarly, it accepts patients who are active duty military, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, persons with serious mental illness, persons with eating disorders, persons who have experienced sexual abuse, suicide prevention services, and others. This alcohol and drug rehabilitation program uses treatment methods that can assist clients to achieve abstinence from the substances of abuse that they have used in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in Egyptian Public and Mental Health Dept can pay for services using private pay, private health insurance, military insurance, payment assistance, state education funds, county or local government funds and others.