Rural Health Inc
1003 East 5th Street
Metropolis, IL. 62960
Rural Health Inc is 18.3 miles from Golconda, IL
Rural Health Inc is dedicated to assisting anyone with a drug or alcohol abuse issue in Golconda, IL. and within the surrounding neighborhoods find full recovery. It offers several programs - such as outpatient day treatment, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities, long term rehabs, short term drug and alcohol rehab centers, inpatient detoxification facilities and others - in keeping with its belief of the addiction care and rehab modalities that work in recovery. This substance abuse treatment facility also believes that people require individual care to be able to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.
As such, Rural Health Inc has specialized in substance abuse counseling approach, dual diagnosis drug rehab, anger management, brief intervention approach, activity therapy, cognitive/behavior therapy and more. Similarly, it accepts patients who are co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, domestic violence, residential beds for client's children, transgender or (LGBT) clients, persons who have experienced sexual abuse, and others. This alcohol and drug rehabilitation program uses care methods that can help patients to achieve lasting and permanent abstinence from the substances abused in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in Rural Health Inc can pay for services using private medical insurance, cash or self-payment, military insurance, sliding fee scale, state welfare or child and family services funds, other state funds and others.