2323 Windish Drive
Galesburg, IL. 61401
Galesburg, IL has several nearby treatment choices including: 2 medicaid programs, 1 inpatient drug rehab, 3 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like Blue Cross Blue Shield, 0 drug detox, 4 outpatient rehabs.
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Bridgeway Inc is 14 miles from Galesburg, IL
Like other addiction treatment facilities, Bridgeway Inc is committed to ongoing recovery for drug and alcohol addicts living in the Galesburg, Illinois area. As such, this alcohol and drug treatment facility has been offering services like behavior modification, dual diagnosis drug rehab, group therapy, trauma therapy, anger management, vocational rehabilitation services and more.
Further, Bridgeway Inc believes that it is essential that its clients receive individualized care to ensure that they get effective results. This is why it specializes in various programs such as transgender or (LGBT) clients, persons with eating disorders, clients with HIV/AIDS, child care for clients children, seniors or older adults, domestic violence and others that you can find listed below. These services that Bridgeway Inc offers are also available in a variety of settings - inpatient treatment centers, long term rehabs, short term treatment facilities, inpatient detoxification facilities, outpatient substance abuse treatment services and more.
This rehab also has aftercare plans that can help you find permanent stability both in the short and in the long term. Finally, Bridgeway Inc accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, medicare, medicaid, payment assistance, county or local government funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.
Top of the World Ranch is 29.9 miles from Galesburg, IL
Like other alcohol and drug rehab programs, Top of the World Ranch is dedicated to ongoing recovery for drug and alcohol addicts living in Galesburg and within the surrounding region. As such, this alcohol and drug rehab has been offering services like behavior modification, dual diagnosis drug rehab, group therapy, trauma therapy, anger management, vocational rehabilitation services and more.
In Addition, Top of the World Ranch believes that it is important that its clients receive individual focus and services to make sure that they get effective results. They specialize in various programs such as transgender or (LGBT) clients, persons with eating disorders, clients with HIV/AIDS, child care for clients children, seniors or older adults, domestic violence and many other modes of treatment that you can find listed below. Each of the services that Top of the World Ranch provides are also available in a variety of settings - inpatient rehab facilities, long term drug and alcohol rehab centers, short term drug treatment, inpatient detoxification programs, outpatient day treatment and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare planning and other treatment methods that can help you achieve permanent and lasting sobriety in the long term. Finally, Top of the World Ranch accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, medicaid, medicare, payment assistance, county or local government funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.
United in Jesus Outreach Ministries is 33.4 miles from Galesburg, Illinois
Like other alcohol and drug rehab programs, United in Jesus Outreach Ministries is dedicated to ongoing recovery for alcohol and drug addicts living in the Galesburg, Illinois area. As such, this alcohol and drug rehab center has been offering care like behavior modification, dual diagnosis drug rehab, group therapy, trauma therapy, anger management, vocational rehabilitation services and more, which is in line with its philosophy of the treatments that actually work to help addicts recover from their condition (s).
In Addition, United in Jesus Outreach Ministries thinks that it is important that its patients receive individualized care to make sure that they get effective results. This is why it specializes in several programs such as transgender or (LGBT) clients, persons with eating disorders, clients with HIV/AIDS, child care for clients children, seniors or older adults, domestic violence and many other modes of treatment that you can find listed below. These services that United in Jesus Outreach Ministries provides are also available in a variety of settings - inpatient treatment centers, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, short term drug abuse treatment, detox facilities, outpatient day treatment and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare programs that can help you find permanent and lasting stability in the long term. Finally, United in Jesus Outreach Ministries accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, medicare, medicaid, payment assistance, county or local government funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.
Drug addiction, also known as Substance Use Disorder (SUD), is a complex condition that affects an individual's brain and behavior, leading to an inability to control the use of drugs despite harmful consequences. Drug addiction can impact a person in various ways, including physical, psychological, social, and emotional aspects of their life. Some of the effects of drug addiction include:
Living with an individual struggling with addiction can be challenging and emotionally taxing. It's essential to find effective strategies to cope with this situation, protect your own well-being, and potentially influence your loved one towards recovery. Here are some strategies:
When addressing a family member's addiction to drugs, it is essential to approach the conversation with empathy, understanding, and a non-judgmental attitude. Here are some steps to consider when discussing this sensitive topic:
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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