State Line Treatment Services
120 May Drive
Harrison, OH. 45030
State Line Treatment Services is 6.6 miles from West Harrison, IN
State Line Treatment Services is committed to helping anyone with a drug or alcohol abuse problem in West Harrison and its surrounding areas find complete recovery. It offers several services - such as inpatient drug addiction treatment, detox centers, outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term drug rehab centers, short term drug and alcohol rehabs and others - in line with its belief of the addiction treatment and rehab methods that are effective in recovery. This drug and alcohol rehab program also believes that people need individual treatment to be able to maintain their sobriety.
As such, State Line Treatment Services specializes in motivational interviewing, cognitive/behavior therapy, vocational rehabilitation services, cognitive/behavior therapy, group therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy and more. At the same time, it accepts patients who are co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, aftercare/continuing care, domestic violence, legal advocacy, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, social skills development, and others. This alcohol and drug rehab center uses treatment modalities that can assist patients to maintain abstinence from the substances of abuse that they have used in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in State Line Treatment Services can pay for services using cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, military insurance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds and others.