Gearhart Psych
840 South 25 West
Winamac, IN. 46996
Gearhart Psych is 19.1 miles from Monticello, IN
Gearhart Psych has long been dedicated to helping its clients recovery after a period of drug and alcohol addiction. It has been doing this within Monticello and in the surrounding areas for quite some time. Gearhart Psych offers services like individual psychotherapy, 12-step facilitation approach, vocational rehabilitation services, trauma-related counseling, group therapy, dialectical behavior therapy - all of which represent their treatment philosophy. Gearhart Psych believes that clients need unique and individualized treatment approaches to achieve lasting recovery. This is why it offers various programs, like clients referred from the court/judicial system, legal advocacy, housing services, child care for clients children, seniors or older adults, social skills development - among other services listed in the following sections.
Gearhart Psych offers long term drug and alcohol rehabs, inpatient detox facilities, short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, inpatient drug addiction treatment, outpatient day treatment and others. Gearhart Psych has relapse prevention programs that are designed to help clients maintain their sobriety. This drug and alcohol rehab facility also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve and maintain a full recovery.
Finally, Gearhart Psych accepts private medical insurance, cash or self-payment, military insurance, medicaid, medicare, state education funds, other state funds, as well as others.