Saint Vincents of Kokomo Trinity House
1907 West Sycamore Street
Kokomo, IN. 46901
Saint Vincents of Kokomo is 22.1 miles from Logansport, IN
Like other drug and alcohol rehab programs, Saint Vincents of Kokomo is committed to long term recovery for drug and alcohol abusers living in the local community. As such, this drug and alcohol rehab program has been providing services like vocational rehabilitation services, activity therapy, trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, matrix model, rational emotive behavioral therapy and more.
In Addition, Saint Vincents of Kokomo knows that it is essential that its patients receive individual focus and services to make sure that they are successful. They specialize in several programs such as clients with HIV/AIDS, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, social skills development, active duty military, clients referred from the court/judicial system, substance abuse education and others that you can find listed in the following section. Each of the services that the organization provides are also available in a variety of settings - inpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient substance abuse counseling, long term drug abuse treatment, short term rehab centers, detoxification centers and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare programs that can help you achieve permanent stability both in the short and in the long term. Finally, Saint Vincents of Kokomo accepts private medical insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.