Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center
5735 Durand Avenue
Racine, WI. 53406
Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center is 9.7 miles from Union Grove, WI
Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center provides addiction care and rehab services such as intensive outpatient treatment, short term drug rehab programs, inpatient drug rehab facilities, outpatient detoxification programs, long term rehab programs, and others to people residing in Union Grove, WI. and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they conquer their drug and alcohol use disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as cognitive/behavior therapy, trauma-related counseling, cognitive/behavior therapy, trauma therapy, relapse prevention, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
In addition, the alcohol and drug rehabilitation program specializes in many other programs - like clients referred from the court/judicial system, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, legal advocacy, seniors or older adults, programs for the hearing impaired, veterans and more - as well as many other treatment modalities listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehab facility has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that individuals achieve and maintain permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Racine Comprehensive Treatment Center accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, sliding fee scale, military insurance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds, and more.