212 South 11th Street
La Crosse, WI. 54601
La Crosse, WI has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 3 medicare treatment centers, 0 inpatient rehab center, 4 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like Aetna, 1 drug and alcohol detox, 4 outpatient treatment programs.
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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Gundersen Lutheran Medical Ctr Inc is 3.9 miles from La Crosse, WI
Like other addiction treatment programs, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Ctr Inc is dedicated to long term recovery for alcohol and drug abusers living in the local community. As such, this drug and alcohol treatment facility has been providing care like anger management, relapse prevention, group therapy, brief intervention approach, 12-step facilitation approach, behavior modification and more.
Further, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Ctr Inc knows that it is essential that its patients receive individual focus and services to ensure that they are successful. They specialize in several programs such as persons with serious mental illness, aftercare/continuing care, suicide prevention services, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, persons who have experienced sexual abuse, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders and many other modes of treatment that you can find listed below. These services that Gundersen Lutheran Medical Ctr Inc provides are also available in different settings - inpatient rehabs, long term addiction treatment centers, detox centers, short term addiction treatment programs, intensive outpatient treatment and more.
This rehab also has aftercare planning and other treatment methods that can help you achieve permanent and lasting sobriety in the long term. Finally, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Ctr Inc accepts private insurance, cash or self-payment, medicaid, medicare, sliding fee scale, state education funds, other state funds and others.
AMS of Wisconsin LLC is 4.2 miles from La Crosse, WI
Like other addiction treatment facilities, AMS of Wisconsin LLC is dedicated to long term recovery for drug and alcohol abusers living in La Crosse, Wisconsin and within the surrounding region. As such, this drug and alcohol treatment program has been providing care like anger management, relapse prevention, group therapy, brief intervention approach, 12-step facilitation approach, behavior modification and more.
In Addition, AMS of Wisconsin LLC knows that it is important that its patients receive individual focus and services to ensure that they are successful. They specialize in various programs such as persons with serious mental illness, aftercare/continuing care, suicide prevention services, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, persons who have experienced sexual abuse, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders and others that you can find listed below. Each of the services that AMS of Wisconsin LLC offers are also available in a variety of settings - inpatient rehab programs, long term drug addiction treatment, outpatient detoxification programs, short term drug and alcohol rehabs, outpatient individual counseling and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare programs and other treatment methods that can help you achieve permanent stability both in the short and in the long term. Finally, AMS of Wisconsin LLC accepts private insurance, cash or self-payment, medicare, medicaid, sliding fee scale, state education funds, other state funds and others.
Department of Human Services is 20.8 miles from La Crosse, Wisconsin
Like other alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs, Department of Human Services is dedicated to ongoing recovery for drug and alcohol abusers living in the local community. As such, this alcohol and drug rehab facility has been providing care like anger management, relapse prevention, group therapy, brief intervention approach, 12-step facilitation approach, behavior modification and more, which is in line with its philosophy of the treatments that actually work to help addicts recover from their condition (s).
In Addition, Department of Human Services thinks that it is essential that its patients receive individual focus and services to make sure that they get effective results. This is why it specializes in several programs such as persons with serious mental illness, aftercare/continuing care, suicide prevention services, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, persons who have experienced sexual abuse, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders and many other modes of treatment that you can find listed below. Each of the services that Department of Human Services offers are also available in different settings - inpatient drug treatment, long term drug abuse treatment, outpatient detoxification facilities, short term rehab facilities, outpatient individual counseling and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare planning and other treatment methods that can help you achieve permanent and lasting sobriety in the long term. Finally, Department of Human Services accepts private health insurance, cash or self-payment, medicaid, medicare, sliding fee scale, state education funds, other state funds and others.
If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, seeking help is a crucial first step towards recovery. There are several resources and options available to assist you in overcoming opioid addiction:
Identifying a loved one's drug abuse can be challenging as symptoms can vary depending on the substance being used, the duration of use, and the individual's personal circumstances. However, there are several signs that could potentially indicate drug abuse. These signs can be physical, behavioral, and psychological.
Physical Signs:
Behavioral Signs:
Psychological Signs:
Deciding on the right form of treatment for drug addiction is a highly personal decision, and it depends on a variety of factors. Here are some key considerations to help you determine if long-term drug rehab might be the right choice for you:
Remember, this decision should be made in consultation with healthcare professionals, such as a primary care physician, a psychiatrist, or an addiction specialist. They can provide an assessment of your situation and offer professional recommendations based on your specific needs and circumstances.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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