Nett Work Family Counseling LLC

1403 Milwaukee Drive
New Holstein, WI. 53061
Nett Work Family Counseling LLC is 7.1 miles from Chilton, Wisconsin
Nett Work Family Counseling LLC is dedicated to assisting the residents of Chilton and the surrounding areas to getting their life back after struggling with substance abuse. As such, Nett Work Family Counseling LLC accommodates a wide range of services in line with their belief of treatments that work - including outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term treatment centers, outpatient detoxification facilities, inpatient drug treatment, short term treatment programs and others.
Nett Work Family Counseling LLC also feels that it is important that every person gets specific treatments that are tailored to their needs to help ensure treatment is a success. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including motivational interviewing, rational emotive behavioral therapy, activity therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive, dual diagnosis drug rehab, couple/family therapy and others. Additionally, Nett Work Family Counseling LLC is specialized in active duty military, clients with HIV/AIDS, residential beds for client's children, persons with eating disorders, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, domestic violence, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment services that this drug and alcohol rehabilitation program uses strive to achieve true and lasting sobriety for each of its clients.
Lastly, Nett Work Family Counseling LLC accepts private pay, private health insurance, military insurance, payment assistance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, other state funds and more.