500 Broad Street
Wichita Falls, TX. 76307
Wichita Falls, TX has nearby treatment options including: 1 medicaid program, 1 inpatient treatment center, 3 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like Cigna, 1 detox center, 4 outpatient treatment programs.
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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Texas Treatment Services LLC is an alcohol and drug treatment program for individuals living in the Wichita Falls, TX. area and battling a substance use issue and co-occurring mental health disorder. As such, it provides services like motivational interviewing, dialectical behavior therapy, matrix model, individual psychotherapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy and more, that are in keeping with its philosophy of evidence based treatments that are proven effective.
In the same way, Texas Treatment Services LLC believes in individualized care to ensure that their patients find success and sobriety. The drug and alcohol rehabilitation program also specializes in other treatments like transgender or (LGBT) clients, child care for clients children, veterans, substance abuse education, domestic violence, housing services - among many others. All these services are also offered by Texas Treatment Services LLC in various settings like outpatient substance abuse treatment services, short term rehab programs, inpatient rehab facilities, outpatient detox facilities, long term drug treatment, as well as others.
In addition, it has aftercare plans designed to help you achieve lasting sobriety. These services have ensured that Texas Treatment Services LLC has a special place within the Wichita Falls, TX. area, especially because they promote both positive short and long term outcomes for the clients who enroll into this drug and alcohol rehab center. Lastly, Texas Treatment Services LLC accepts private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.
Recovery Center is a drug and alcohol treatment program for people living in Wichita Falls, TX. and its surrounding areas while struggling with a drug and alcohol use disorder . It provides services like motivational interviewing, dialectical behavior therapy, matrix model, individual psychotherapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy and more, that are in line with its philosophy of evidence based treatments that are proven effective.
Recovery Center believes in individual treatment to make sure that their clients achieve the best possible results. The addiction treatment center has also specialized in other types of care like transgender or (LGBT) clients, child care for clients children, veterans, substance abuse education, domestic violence, housing services - among many others. All these services are also offered by Recovery Center in a variety of settings like outpatient counseling, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities, outpatient detoxification centers, long term drug and alcohol rehab programs, as well as others.
Further, it has aftercare programs and other treatment methods created to help you achieve lasting stability. These programs have made sure that Recovery Center has a special place within the local community, especially because they promote positive long term outcomes for the people who enroll into this drug and alcohol rehab center. Last but not least, Recovery Center accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others.
Several relationship factors can increase the risk of developing a drug or alcohol abuse problem. These include:
Drug addiction, also known as Substance Use Disorder (SUD), is a complex condition that affects an individual's brain and behavior, leading to an inability to control the use of drugs despite harmful consequences. Drug addiction can impact a person in various ways, including physical, psychological, social, and emotional aspects of their life. Some of the effects of drug addiction include:
SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a global community of mutual-support groups that provide a structured, scientifically grounded program to help people manage their recovery from any type of addictive behavior, including substance abuse and behavioral addictions.
SMART Recovery's approach is different from other recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, which are based on the 12-step model. Instead of focusing on the concept of "powerlessness" over addiction, SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment and self-reliance. It promotes the ability of individuals to change their own thoughts and behaviors to overcome addiction.
The SMART Recovery program is based on principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing. It is designed around a 4-point program:
SMART Recovery meetings, both in-person and online, are facilitated by trained volunteers and are free to attend, though donations are appreciated. The program also offers a variety of tools and techniques for self-empowerment and self-directed change, available in various formats such as handbooks, worksheets, and online resources.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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