133 West 2nd Avenue
Oneida, TN. 37841
Oneida, TN has nearby treatment options including: 7 low cost treatment centers, 1 inpatient treatment center, 4 drug rehabs that take private insurance like Cigna, 0 drug detox, 4 outpatient treatment programs.
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A SilverLining Counseling Inc is 16.5 miles from Oneida, Tennessee
A SilverLining Counseling Inc has been dedicating its treatment services and programs to helping people who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse in Oneida and its surrounding area.
A SilverLining Counseling Inc offers a wide collection of treatment and rehabilitation methods, including intensive outpatient treatment, detoxification programs, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, long term rehab programs, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities and more. A SilverLining Counseling Inc also believes that it is important that it provides specific services to ensure that individuals get the results that they are looking for. This is why A SilverLining Counseling Inc is specialized in substance abuse counseling approach, contingency management/motivational incentive, brief intervention approach, matrix model, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy, among other programs.
A SilverLining Counseling Inc also provides child care for clients children, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, housing services, programs for the hearing impaired, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, clients with HIV/AIDS, and provides some of the best aftercare programs - all of which have been proven to further the results its clients expect. This drug and alcohol treatment facility also uses treatment modalities that can assist you in achieving long lasting sobriety.
A SilverLining Counseling Inc also accepts the following forms of payment - private insurance, cash or self-payment, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, state welfare or child and family services funds, county or local government funds and more.
Dayspring Health is 22.6 miles from Oneida, TN
Dayspring Health has been dedicating its treatment services and programs to helping people who are struggling with substances of abuse in Oneida, Tennessee and within the surrounding area.
Dayspring Health offers a wide collection of treatment and rehabilitation programs, including outpatient counseling, detoxification centers, short term drug treatment, long term addiction treatment centers, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs and more. Dayspring Health also believes that it is necessary that it offers individual services to ensure that its clients get the results that they are looking for. This is why Dayspring Health is specialized in substance abuse counseling approach, contingency management/motivational incentive, brief intervention approach, matrix model, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy, among other programs.
Dayspring Health also provides child care for clients children, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, housing services, programs for the hearing impaired, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, clients with HIV/AIDS, and offers some of the best continued recovery programs - all of which are helpful to its clients. This drug and alcohol rehab also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve full stability both in the long term and permanently.
Dayspring Health also accepts the following types of payment - private insurance, private pay, payment assistance, sliding fee scale, state welfare or child and family services funds, county or local government funds and more.
Campbell County Outpatient Center is 24.2 miles from Oneida, TN
Deciding to distance yourself from a loved one who is struggling with addiction is a deeply personal and difficult decision. There's no universal right or wrong answer, as it depends on the individual circumstances, the severity of the addiction, the impact on your wellbeing, and other factors. However, there are a few circumstances where walking away might be the appropriate course of action:
Helping an individual struggling with addiction without enabling them requires a fine balance. Here are some strategies that might be helpful:
Drug addiction, often referred to as Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in the mental health field, is a complex condition characterized by compulsive drug use despite harmful consequences. It's considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain's structure and how it works, leading to changes that can persist long after the cessation of drug use. Here are several reasons why it's not simply a matter of willpower to stop using drugs:
Physical Dependence: Repeated drug use can lead to physical dependence, where the body adapts to the drug and requires it to function normally. Abruptly stopping the drug can lead to withdrawal symptoms, which can be uncomfortable or even dangerous, creating a compelling reason to continue using the drug.
Changes in Brain Function: Drug use can disrupt critical brain areas involved in reward, motivation, learning, judgment, and memory. This can lead to intense cravings for the drug and impaired ability to resist drug use, even in the face of negative consequences.
Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders: Many individuals with substance use disorders also have other mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. These individuals may use drugs as a way to self-medicate, making it difficult to stop without treating the underlying condition.
Environmental Factors: Social and environmental cues can trigger cravings and make it difficult to avoid substance use. This can include things like spending time with friends who use drugs, living in a stressful or chaotic environment, or even visiting places where they used to use drugs.
Psychological Factors: Some individuals may use drugs to cope with stress, trauma, or other adverse experiences. Without healthier coping mechanisms and support, it can be very challenging to stop using drugs.
It's essential to understand that addiction is a chronic disease, similar to diabetes or heart disease, and not a moral failing or lack of discipline. Just as with other chronic diseases, treatment often isn't a matter of simply deciding to stop. It usually involves medical intervention, behavioral therapies, and long-term support. With the right treatment and support, recovery from addiction is entirely possible.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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