105 Caldwell Circle
Oliver Springs, TN. 37840
Oliver Springs, TN has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 2 medicare treatment centers, 1 inpatient rehab center, 4 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like Aetna, 2 drug detox, 3 outpatient rehabs.
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Hope of East Tennessee Inc is 8.7 miles from Oliver Springs, Tennessee
Hope of East Tennessee Inc is devoted to assisting the residents of Oliver Springs, Tennessee and the surrounding areas to find full recovery after a period of struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. As such, Hope of East Tennessee Inc provides a wide variety of services in line with their belief of treatments that work - including outpatient individual counseling, outpatient detoxification facilities, long term drug rehab facilities, short term rehab centers, inpatient addiction treatment programs and others.
Hope of East Tennessee Inc also believes that it is necessary that every person gets specific treatments that are tailored to their needs to help ensure treatment is a success. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including behavior modification, group therapy, group therapy, anger management, cognitive/behavior therapy, matrix model and others. In addition, Hope of East Tennessee Inc is specialized in social skills development, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, housing services, active duty military, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, clients referred from the court/judicial system, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment services that this addiction treatment center uses aims to provide positive and lasting change for each individual.
Lastly, Hope of East Tennessee Inc accepts private medical insurance, private pay, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, state welfare or child and family services funds, state education funds and more.
Ridgeview Psych Hosp and Ctr is 9.8 miles from Oliver Springs, TN
Ridgeview is 10.4 miles from Oliver Springs, Tennessee
Ridgeview is devoted to assisting the residents of Oliver Springs, TN. and the surrounding areas to find full recovery after a period of struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. As such, Ridgeview provides a wide range of services in line with their philosophy of treatments that work - including intensive outpatient treatment, detoxification facilities, long term drug treatment, short term treatment programs, inpatient drug addiction treatment and others.
Ridgeview also feels that it is of the upmost importance that every person gets highly personalized services to ensure their recovery. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including behavior modification, group therapy, group therapy, anger management, cognitive/behavior therapy, matrix model and others. In addition, Ridgeview is specialized in social skills development, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, housing services, active duty military, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, clients referred from the court/judicial system, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment methods that this substance abuse treatment center uses can provide the level of stability that is as permanent as it is lasting.
Lastly, Ridgeview accepts private medical insurance, private pay, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, state welfare or child and family services funds, state education funds and more.
Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is an unique and individualized process. However, there are several key principles that are commonly recognized as important for successful recovery. These principles include:
While going "cold turkey," or suddenly stopping the use of opioids, might seem like a fast way to begin recovery, it's generally not recommended due to the severity of withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks.
Opioid withdrawal can be intensely uncomfortable and, in some cases, hazardous. Symptoms can include severe cravings, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes, and involuntary leg movements. In severe cases, withdrawal can lead to serious dehydration or electrolyte imbalances.
Furthermore, abruptly stopping opioid use can significantly increase the risk of relapse. The discomfort of withdrawal symptoms may make it more difficult to stay abstinent, and an individual may be tempted to use again just to relieve these symptoms. If a person relapses and takes the same dose they were previously accustomed to, the risk of overdose is high because the body's tolerance to the substance has decreased.
For these reasons, opioid withdrawal should ideally be managed under the supervision of healthcare professionals. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which includes medications like methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone, can be used to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. These medications work by acting on the same brain receptors targeted by opioids, but they do so in a safer manner that helps to manage withdrawal and reduce the risk of relapse.
In addition to MAT, counseling and behavioral therapies are typically part of a comprehensive treatment program for opioid use disorder. These approaches can help individuals develop the skills and strategies needed to maintain recovery in the long term.
Deciding to distance yourself from a loved one who is struggling with addiction is a deeply personal and difficult decision. There's no universal right or wrong answer, as it depends on the individual circumstances, the severity of the addiction, the impact on your wellbeing, and other factors. However, there are a few circumstances where walking away might be the appropriate course of action:
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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