Williamsport Family Med Center LLC
2062 Lycoming Creek Road
Williamsport, PA. 17701
Williamsport Family Med Center LLC is 20.4 miles from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Williamsport Family Med Center LLC is an alcohol and drug treatment program for people living in Lock Haven and within the surrounding neighborhoods while battling a drug and alcohol use disorder . As such, it offers services like motivational interviewing, cognitive/behavior therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive, activity therapy, relapse prevention, dual diagnosis drug rehab and more, that are in line with its philosophy of evidence based treatments that are proven effective.
In the same way, Williamsport Family Med Center LLC believes in individual treatment to ensure that their patients achieve the best possible results. The drug and alcohol treatment program also specializes in other treatments like clients referred from the court/judicial system, veterans, seniors or older adults, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, transgender or (LGBT) clients, residential beds for client's children - among many others. Many of these services are also offered by Williamsport Family Med Center LLC in different settings like inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs, outpatient day treatment, outpatient detoxification facilities, short term rehab programs, long term drug rehab programs, as well as others.
In addition, it has aftercare plans and programs created to help you find permanent and lasting stability. These services have made sure that Williamsport Family Med Center LLC has a special place within the local community, especially because they promote positive long term outcomes for the people who enroll into this alcohol and drug rehab program. Last but not least, Williamsport Family Med Center LLC accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, payment assistance, military insurance, state welfare or child and family services funds, state education funds and others.