700 Walter Reed Drive
Greensboro, NC. 27403
Greensboro, NC has a large number of treatment choices including: 18 medicare treatment centers, 3 inpatient treatment centers, 22 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like BCBS, 3 drug detox, 29 outpatient rehabs.
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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1-877-882-9275You can now filter our treatment results to show you tailored rehab programs that fit your exact needs. Just choose the type of treatment you are looking for, a payment type such as private insurance or low cost, and any specialized treatment approach you are interested in. Click submit and we will provide a list of alcohol and drug rehab centers that match your criteria.
Envisions of Life LLC provides recovery treatment and rehab services such as outpatient day treatment, long term drug rehab programs, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs, short term treatment facilities, outpatient detoxification centers, and others to clients residing in the Greensboro area so that they conquer their alcohol and drug use issues and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Envisions of Life LLC believes that complete sobriety can only be achieved through highly individualized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehab center has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that clients achieve and maintain full, lasting, and permanent sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Envisions of Life LLC accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Youth Focus/Alexander Youth Network provides recovery treatment and rehabilitation services such as outpatient hospital programs, long term rehab facilities, inpatient treatment facilities, short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, inpatient detox programs, and others to people residing in Greensboro, NC. and its surrounding areas so that they overcome their substance use disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Youth Focus/Alexander Youth Network knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the addiction treatment facility specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehab center has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment methods to ensure that individuals achieve and maintain permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Youth Focus/Alexander Youth Network accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Step By Step Care Inc provides addiction treatment and rehab services such as outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term treatment facilities, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, outpatient detoxification programs, and others to people residing in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they overcome their substance use issues and find full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Step By Step Care Inc believes that full recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the alcohol and drug treatment facility specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities that you can find listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol treatment program has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that individuals achieve permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Step By Step Care Inc accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
New Vision Therapy PLLC provides recovery treatment and rehabilitation services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs, short term rehab centers, outpatient detoxification programs, and others to clients living in the Greensboro area so that they overcome their substance abuse disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because New Vision Therapy PLLC knows that complete sobriety can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol treatment program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehab has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve and maintain full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, New Vision Therapy PLLC accepts private pay, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Reign Inspirations LLC provides recovery care and rehab services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term drug and alcohol rehabs, inpatient treatment programs, short term drug addiction treatment, outpatient detox facilities, and others to people residing in the Greensboro area so that they conquer their substance use disorders and find full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Reign Inspirations LLC believes that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol treatment facility specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehab program has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that individuals achieve full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Reign Inspirations LLC accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Peculiar Csl and Consulting PLLC provides recovery treatment and rehab services such as intensive outpatient treatment, long term treatment facilities, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs, short term drug rehab facilities, outpatient detoxification facilities, and others to clients residing in the Greensboro area so that they conquer their alcohol and drug abuse issues and achieve full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Peculiar Csl and Consulting PLLC knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
In addition, the alcohol and drug rehabilitation program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this addiction treatment facility has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Peculiar Csl and Consulting PLLC accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Al Con Counseling Inc provides recovery care and rehab services such as intensive outpatient treatment, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, inpatient rehabs, short term drug and alcohol rehabs, outpatient detoxification facilities, and others to people residing in the local community so that they overcome their substance abuse issues and find full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Al Con Counseling Inc believes that full recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
Further, the alcohol and drug rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities that you can find listed below. Further, this addiction treatment program has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve and maintain full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Al Con Counseling Inc accepts private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Ringer Centers Inc provides addiction care and rehab services such as outpatient counseling, long term drug and alcohol rehab centers, inpatient drug addiction treatment, short term drug rehab programs, detox centers, and others to people living in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they overcome their alcohol and drug use disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Ringer Centers Inc knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol rehab facility specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab facility has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that clients maintain full, lasting, and permanent sobriety, stability, and abstinence from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Ringer Centers Inc accepts private pay, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Piedmont Counseling Services provides recovery treatment and rehabilitation services such as outpatient hospital programs, long term treatment centers, inpatient rehab facilities, short term treatment facilities, outpatient detoxification programs, and others to people residing in the Greensboro area so that they overcome their alcohol and drug use issues and achieve full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Piedmont Counseling Services believes that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized care.
In addition, the addiction treatment center specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab facility has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve permanent, full, and lasting abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Piedmont Counseling Services accepts private pay, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Greensboro Metro Treatment Center provides recovery care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term rehab facilities, inpatient addiction treatment programs, short term drug rehab programs, outpatient detoxification facilities, and others to clients residing in the local community so that they conquer their alcohol and drug use disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Greensboro Metro Treatment Center believes that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly individualized care.
Further, the alcohol and drug rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities that you can find listed below. Further, this addiction treatment center has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that individuals achieve and maintain permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Greensboro Metro Treatment Center accepts private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Monarch provides recovery care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term rehab programs, inpatient rehab facilities, short term drug addiction treatment, inpatient detoxification programs, and others to clients living in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they overcome their drug and alcohol use issues and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Monarch knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
Further, the alcohol and drug rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that clients achieve full, lasting, and permanent sobriety, stability, and abstinence from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Monarch accepts private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Insight Program provides addiction care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term rehabs, inpatient drug treatment, short term rehab facilities, detoxification programs, and others to people residing in Greensboro, NC. and its surrounding areas so that they overcome their substance use issues and find full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Insight Program knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
In addition, the addiction treatment program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug treatment facility has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that clients maintain permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Insight Program accepts cash or self-payment, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
ACDM Assesment and Counseling of provides addiction care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term drug addiction treatment, inpatient addiction treatment programs, short term addiction treatment centers, inpatient detox facilities, and others to people residing in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they overcome their substance abuse disorders and achieve full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because ACDM Assesment and Counseling of knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
In addition, the drug and alcohol rehabilitation program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab center has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve permanent, full, and lasting abstinence and sobriety from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, ACDM Assesment and Counseling of accepts cash or self-payment, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
New Horizons Counseling Center provides addiction care and rehab services such as outpatient counseling, long term treatment centers, inpatient rehab centers, short term rehabs, inpatient detoxification centers, and others to people residing in the local community so that they conquer their substance use issues and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because New Horizons Counseling Center knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized care.
In addition, the drug and alcohol rehab specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods listed below. Further, this addiction treatment center has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment modalities to make sure that individuals maintain full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, New Horizons Counseling Center accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Recovery Resources provides addiction care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient day treatment, long term treatment centers, inpatient rehab centers, short term treatment programs, inpatient detox programs, and others to clients living in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they overcome their substance use issues and find full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Recovery Resources believes that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
In addition, the alcohol and drug rehab specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehab has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment modalities to make sure that individuals maintain full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Recovery Resources accepts private pay, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Life Changes Counseling provides recovery treatment and rehabilitation services such as outpatient day treatment, long term treatment centers, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs, short term drug rehab facilities, detoxification centers, and others to people living in Greensboro, NC. and its surrounding areas so that they conquer their substance use issues and achieve full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Life Changes Counseling believes that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the addiction treatment facility specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities that you can find listed below. Further, this addiction treatment facility has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that individuals maintain permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Life Changes Counseling accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Transitions Therapeutic Care LLC provides addiction care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient counseling, long term drug and alcohol rehab centers, inpatient drug rehab programs, short term rehab facilities, inpatient detoxification programs, and others to people living in Greensboro, NC. and its surrounding areas so that they conquer their substance abuse disorders and find full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Transitions Therapeutic Care LLC knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly individualized care.
Further, the alcohol and drug rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehabilitation program has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that clients achieve and maintain full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Transitions Therapeutic Care LLC accepts cash or self-payment, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
DREAMS Treatment Services Inc provides recovery care and rehab services such as outpatient substance abuse counseling, long term treatment centers, inpatient drug rehab programs, short term treatment facilities, outpatient detox programs, and others to people residing in Greensboro, NC. and its surrounding areas so that they overcome their substance abuse disorders and find full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because DREAMS Treatment Services Inc believes that full recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol treatment program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities listed below. Further, this addiction treatment program has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, DREAMS Treatment Services Inc accepts private pay, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Top Priority Care Services LLC provides recovery care and rehab services such as intensive outpatient treatment, long term rehab facilities, inpatient drug treatment, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, detox centers, and others to people residing in the Greensboro area so that they overcome their alcohol and drug use disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Top Priority Care Services LLC knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly individualized care.
In addition, the addiction treatment center specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab program has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that individuals achieve full, lasting, and permanent sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Top Priority Care Services LLC accepts private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
United Youth Care Services Inc provides recovery care and rehab services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term drug treatment, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs, short term addiction treatment facilities, outpatient detox facilities, and others to people residing in Greensboro, NC. and its surrounding areas so that they overcome their alcohol and drug abuse disorders and achieve full recovery. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because United Youth Care Services Inc knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
Further, the alcohol and drug rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment modalities that you can find listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment modalities to ensure that individuals achieve and maintain permanent, full, and lasting sobriety, stability, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, United Youth Care Services Inc accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Triad Medical Group PA provides addiction treatment and rehab services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term treatment programs, inpatient drug addiction treatment, short term treatment facilities, detoxification facilities, and others to clients living in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they conquer their drug and alcohol abuse issues and find full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Triad Medical Group PA knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol rehab program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug rehabilitation program has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to make sure that clients achieve full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Triad Medical Group PA accepts private pay, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Triad Behavioral Resources provides recovery care and rehabilitation services such as outpatient hospital programs, long term drug rehab programs, inpatient drug addiction treatment, short term drug and alcohol rehab centers, outpatient detox programs, and others to clients living in the local community so that they conquer their substance use disorders and find full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Triad Behavioral Resources believes that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly individualized and personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol rehab center specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this alcohol and drug treatment program has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment modalities to make sure that individuals maintain permanent, full, and lasting abstinence and sobriety from drugs and alcohol.
Lastly, Triad Behavioral Resources accepts private pay, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
Open Arms Treatment Center provides addiction care and rehab services such as outpatient individual counseling, long term drug treatment, inpatient drug addiction treatment, short term addiction treatment centers, inpatient detox centers, and others to clients residing in Greensboro, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods so that they overcome their substance abuse disorders and find full sobriety. It has services - such as individual psychotherapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, group therapy, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Open Arms Treatment Center knows that full sobriety can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol rehabilitation program specializes in many other programs - like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, veterans, self-help groups, seniors or older adults and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this addiction treatment facility has aftercare plans that work in line with its treatment methods to ensure that individuals achieve and maintain full, lasting, and permanent abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Open Arms Treatment Center accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state education funds, and more.
"Denial is a common characteristic of many people struggling with substance abuse. It involves refusing to accept the reality of their addiction and its damaging consequences. There are several reasons why this denial occurs:
Fear: Admitting a problem means confronting the reality of addiction, including the perceived pain of withdrawal, the work of recovery, and potential stigma. Fear of these challenges can drive a person to deny their problem.
Guilt and Shame: Addiction often brings feelings of guilt and shame. Denial serves as a defense mechanism to avoid these difficult emotions.
Cognitive Impairment: Substance abuse can physically alter brain function, impairing judgment, memory, and self-awareness, making it harder for individuals to recognize or admit they have a problem.
Perception of Normality: If substance use is a daily occurrence, it can seem normal to the person doing it. They may think everyone else is doing the same or that their usage is acceptable or controlled.
Rationalization and Minimization: Individuals with substance use disorders often rationalize their behavior ("I only use on weekends") or minimize the consequences ("I still have my job, so it's not a problem").
Avoidance of Responsibility: Acknowledging the addiction implies a responsibility to change. Denial helps avoid this responsibility.
Yes, there are substance abuse rehabilitation facilities that cater specifically to the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others) community. These specialized treatment centers recognize the unique challenges and stressors that LGBTQ+ individuals may face, which can contribute to and complicate recovery from substance use disorders.
These specialized LGBTQ+ rehabs offer a variety of services, including:
It's worth noting that while some individuals may prefer a LGBTQ+-specific rehab, others may feel comfortable in a more general rehab facility that offers LGBTQ+-inclusive services and staff training. The best choice depends on the individual's personal preferences and needs.
The most common substance use disorder globally is alcohol use disorder (AUD). This disorder, often referred to as alcoholism, is characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences.
Alcohol use disorder is defined by the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of eleven criteria, within a 12-month period.
The criteria include issues like spending a lot of time drinking, or recovering from drinking, giving up important social or recreational activities in favor of drinking, developing a tolerance (needing to drink more to achieve the desired effect), experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, and continuing to drink even when it's causing physical or psychological problems.
It's important to note that substance use disorders can develop with the use of many different substances, including illicit drugs like cocaine or heroin, and legal substances like alcohol or prescription medications. The prevalence of these disorders can vary by region and demographic group.
Regardless of the substance involved, these disorders can have serious impacts on individuals' physical and mental health, relationships, and ability to work or study. Treatment can often help people with substance use disorders to recover and lead healthy lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, don't hesitate to seek professional help.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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