100 North Wilmington Street
Richlands, NC. 28574
Richlands, NC has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 2 medicare treatment centers, 0 inpatient rehab, 2 drug rehabs that take private insurance like BCBS, 0 drug and alcohol detox, 4 outpatient rehabs.
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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Ashraf G Mikhail is 11 miles from Richlands, NC
Ashraf G Mikhail is devoted to assisting the residents of Richlands and the surrounding areas to find full recovery after a period of struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Because of this, Ashraf G Mikhail offers a wide array of services in line with their belief of treatments that work - including short term drug rehab centers, outpatient hospital programs, long term addiction treatment programs, detoxification facilities, inpatient treatment centers and others.
Ashraf G Mikhail also believes that it is necessary that every individual gets uniquely tailored treatment to ensure their recovery. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including group therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, couple/family therapy, relapse prevention, contingency management/motivational incentive, dialectical behavior therapy and others. Additionally, Ashraf G Mikhail is specialized in treatment for spanish-speaking clients, housing services, aftercare/continuing care, transgender or (LGBT) clients, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, persons with serious mental illness, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment services that this drug and alcohol treatment facility uses can provide the level of stability that is as permanent as it is lasting.
Lastly, Ashraf G Mikhail accepts private medical insurance, private pay, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, state education funds, county or local government funds and more.
Tar Heel Human Services is 11.2 miles from Richlands, North Carolina
New Insights DWI Servs/Csl Ctr is 12.3 miles from Richlands, North Carolina
New Insights DWI Servs/Csl Ctr is dedicated to assisting the people of Richlands, North Carolina and the surrounding areas to getting their life back after struggling with substance abuse. As such, New Insights DWI Servs/Csl Ctr provides a wide array of services in line with their belief of treatments that work - including short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, outpatient day treatment, long term drug abuse treatment, inpatient detoxification centers, inpatient drug rehab facilities and others.
New Insights DWI Servs/Csl Ctr also believes that it is important that every individual client gets highly personalized services to ensure their recovery. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including group therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, couple/family therapy, relapse prevention, contingency management/motivational incentive, dialectical behavior therapy and others. In addition, New Insights DWI Servs/Csl Ctr is specialized in treatment for spanish-speaking clients, housing services, aftercare/continuing care, transgender or (LGBT) clients, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, persons with serious mental illness, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment methods that this alcohol and drug rehab program uses aims to provide positive and lasting change for each individual.
Lastly, New Insights DWI Servs/Csl Ctr accepts private medical insurance, private pay, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, state education funds, county or local government funds and more.
"Enabling is a behavior often seen in the relationships of individuals struggling with addiction. An enabler, often without realizing it, may protect the individual with addiction from the consequences of their behavior, thus indirectly encouraging continued substance use. If you're unsure whether you might be enabling someone's addiction, consider the following signs:
Opioid addiction is a chronic condition characterized by compulsive use of opioids despite harmful consequences. Recognizing the symptoms of opioid addiction can help in providing timely intervention and support for the affected individual. Some common symptoms of opioid addiction include:
Drug addiction, often referred to as Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in the mental health field, is a complex condition characterized by compulsive drug use despite harmful consequences. It's considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain's structure and how it works, leading to changes that can persist long after the cessation of drug use. Here are several reasons why it's not simply a matter of willpower to stop using drugs:
Physical Dependence: Repeated drug use can lead to physical dependence, where the body adapts to the drug and requires it to function normally. Abruptly stopping the drug can lead to withdrawal symptoms, which can be uncomfortable or even dangerous, creating a compelling reason to continue using the drug.
Changes in Brain Function: Drug use can disrupt critical brain areas involved in reward, motivation, learning, judgment, and memory. This can lead to intense cravings for the drug and impaired ability to resist drug use, even in the face of negative consequences.
Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders: Many individuals with substance use disorders also have other mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. These individuals may use drugs as a way to self-medicate, making it difficult to stop without treating the underlying condition.
Environmental Factors: Social and environmental cues can trigger cravings and make it difficult to avoid substance use. This can include things like spending time with friends who use drugs, living in a stressful or chaotic environment, or even visiting places where they used to use drugs.
Psychological Factors: Some individuals may use drugs to cope with stress, trauma, or other adverse experiences. Without healthier coping mechanisms and support, it can be very challenging to stop using drugs.
It's essential to understand that addiction is a chronic disease, similar to diabetes or heart disease, and not a moral failing or lack of discipline. Just as with other chronic diseases, treatment often isn't a matter of simply deciding to stop. It usually involves medical intervention, behavioral therapies, and long-term support. With the right treatment and support, recovery from addiction is entirely possible.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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