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Buford, Georgia Alcohol and Drug Rehab Programs

Buford, GA has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 2 low cost treatment centers, 0 inpatient rehab, 2 drug rehabs that take private insurance like UnitedHealthCare, 2 drug detox, 4 outpatient treatment programs.

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Clinical Review Staff

Dr. Gina M Jansheski, M.D.

Dr. Gina Jansheski, M.D.

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, M.D., M.S.

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS

Renee Warmbrodt, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Renee Warmbrodt, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs Serving the Buford, Georgia Area:

    drug rehab program - HealthQwest GA
    4271 South Lee Street
    Buford, GA. 30518

    HealthQwest has been providing addiction treatment to people who live in and around Buford and who are battling with drug and alcohol use issues. As such, HealthQwest offers a wide variety of services including anger management, activity therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, group therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive and others applying its unique philosophy of evidence based approaches to addiction treatment and recovery.

    This treatment center also thinks that the best results for clients are gotten from individualized services. Because of this, it has been specializing in a wide assortment of personalized treatments like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, social skills development, clients with HIV/AIDS, persons with serious mental illness, domestic violence and more. In the same way, this addiction treatment center provides these treatments in the following settings - outpatient detoxification facilities, short term addiction treatment facilities, outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term rehab programs, inpatient rehab facilities and more.

    It also has aftercare programs designed to replicate its treatment methods in the creation of a level of stability, abstinence, and sobriety that is permanent and lasting. Lastly, HealthQwest accepts these forms of payment - including private health insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, medicare, medicaid, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.

    Carter Treatment CenterCARF AccreditedSAMHSA

    drug rehab facility - Carter Treatment Center GA
    1325 Satellite Boulevard
    Suwanee, GA. 30024

    Carter Treatment Center is 8.4 miles from Buford, GA

    Carter Treatment Center has been offering addiction treatment to people who reside in and around Buford, Georgia and who are fighting with drug and alcohol abuse disorders. As such, Carter Treatment Center provides a wide variety of services including anger management, activity therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, group therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive and others using its unique philosophy of evidence based approaches to addiction treatment.

    This rehab facility also believes that results are best achieved by providing individual services to each client. To this end, it has been specializing in a wide array of personalized treatments like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, social skills development, clients with HIV/AIDS, persons with serious mental illness, domestic violence and more. In the same way, this drug and alcohol treatment program offers these treatments in the following settings - inpatient detoxification facilities, short term drug rehab programs, outpatient counseling, long term drug rehab centers, inpatient treatment facilities and more.

    It also has aftercare programs designed to replicate its treatment methods in the creation of a level of stability, abstinence, and sobriety that is permanent and lasting. Lastly, Carter Treatment Center accepts these forms of payment - including private health insurance, private pay, sliding fee scale, medicaid, medicare, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.

    Toxicology Associates/North Georgia Gwinnett IncSAMHSA

    drug treatment program - Toxicology Associates/North Georgia GA
    751 Collins Hill Road
    Lawrenceville, GA. 30046

    Toxicology Associates/North Georgia is 8.8 miles from Buford, GA

    Toxicology Associates/North Georgia has been offering addiction rehabilitation to individuals who live in and around Buford, GA. and who are battling with alcohol and drug abuse issues. As such, Toxicology Associates/North Georgia provides a range of services including anger management, activity therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, group therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive and others applying its unique approaches to addiction recovery and treatment.

    This treatment program also believes that the best results for clients are gotten from individualized services. To this end, it has been specializing in a wide range of personalized treatments like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, social skills development, clients with HIV/AIDS, persons with serious mental illness, domestic violence and more. In the same way, this drug and alcohol rehab program provides these treatments in the following settings - outpatient detox programs, short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, outpatient individual counseling, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities and more.

    Toxicology Associates/North Georgia also ensures lasting sobriety and stability by promoting a robust aftercare program. Lastly, Toxicology Associates/North Georgia accepts these forms of payment - including private health insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, medicare, medicaid, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.

    New Focus Addiction and Behavioral HealthSAMHSA

    drug rehab facility - New Focus Addiction and GA
    925 Sanders Road
    Cumming, GA. 30041

    New Focus Addiction and is 9.7 miles from Buford, Georgia

    New Focus Addiction and has been offering addiction care to people who reside in Buford and who are battling with alcohol and drug use issues. As such, New Focus Addiction and offers a array of services such as anger management, activity therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, group therapy, contingency management/motivational incentive and others using its unique approaches to addiction treatment.

    This rehabilitation center also believes that the best results for clients are gotten from individualized services. To this end, it has been specializing in a wide variety of personalized treatments like co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, substance abuse education, social skills development, clients with HIV/AIDS, persons with serious mental illness, domestic violence and more. In the same way, this addiction treatment center provides these services in the following settings - inpatient detox programs, short term rehab facilities, outpatient substance abuse treatment services, long term rehab facilities, inpatient drug rehab programs and more.

    It also has aftercare programs designed to replicate its treatment methods in the creation of a level of stability, abstinence, and sobriety that is permanent and lasting. Lastly, New Focus Addiction and accepts these forms of payment - including private health insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, medicare, medicaid, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.

      Commonly Asked Questions about Addiction and Treatment

      Why do people abuse addictive substances?

      People may abuse addictive substances for a variety of reasons, often involving a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Here are some common reasons:

      Biological Factors: Certain individuals may be genetically predisposed to addiction. This could involve inherited traits that affect the way substances interact with their brain or influence their susceptibility to mental health disorders, which can increase the risk of substance abuse.

      Psychological Factors: Many people turn to addictive substances as a way to cope with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Substance use may provide temporary relief from these conditions, though in the long term it often exacerbates them.

      Social Factors: Peer pressure, especially among young people, can lead to substance abuse. If an individual is in an environment where drug or alcohol use is common, they may feel compelled to partake in order to fit in.

      Environmental Factors: Stressful or traumatic environments can increase the risk of substance abuse. This can include living in poverty, experiencing abuse or neglect, or being exposed to violence.

      Curiosity and Experimentation: Particularly among adolescents and young adults, the desire to try new experiences can lead to substance use.

      Self-Medication: Some people use substances to self-medicate physical pain. For example, the opioid crisis has been fueled in part by individuals who initially used prescription opioids to manage pain and then developed an addiction.

      Escapism: People may use substances to escape their reality, numb emotional pain, or simply to feel good. Addictive substances often provide a temporary sense of euphoria or relaxation, which can be enticing.

      Co-occurring Disorders: Individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders are at a significantly higher risk of substance use disorders. This is because these individuals might use substances as a form of self-medication.

      Why do drug addicts blame everyone but themselves?

      Drug addiction can significantly distort a person's thinking patterns and perceptions, leading them to behave in ways that are often self-protective and defensive. One of these behaviors can be a tendency to shift blame onto others. This occurs for a few reasons:

      • Denial: One of the key psychological symptoms of addiction is denial. This is a defense mechanism that allows individuals to avoid confronting the reality of their addiction and its negative consequences. By blaming others, they deflect responsibility and maintain their state of denial.
      • Avoiding Shame and Guilt: Addiction often carries a heavy burden of guilt and shame. Blaming others can be a way for individuals struggling with addiction to avoid these painful feelings and protect their self-image.
      • Rationalizing Behavior: Blaming others can serve as a way for individuals to justify their drug use and associated behaviors. If they can convince themselves that their actions are a response to the actions of others, they may feel more justified in continuing their substance use.
      • Fear of Consequences: Acknowledging personal responsibility could mean having to face significant consequences, including damage to relationships, legal issues, or the need for treatment. Blaming others allows the person to avoid these potential repercussions.
      • Altered Brain Function: Drug abuse can lead to changes in the brain that impact judgment, decision making, learning, and behavior control, which might lead to a tendency to shift blame onto others.

      How can I tell if my loved one is using fentanyl?

      Physical symptoms: Some common physical symptoms of fentanyl use include drowsiness, constricted pupils, slurred speech, shallow or slow breathing, and decreased coordination. You may also notice itching, flushed skin, or sweating.

      Behavioral changes: Fentanyl use can result in changes in behavior, such as increased secrecy, social withdrawal, or unexplained absences. You may notice a shift in mood or energy levels, as well as a decline in personal hygiene or appearance.

      Sleep patterns: Fentanyl can cause sedation and changes in sleep patterns. If your loved one is sleeping more than usual, experiencing difficulty waking up, or nodding off at inappropriate times, it may be a sign of fentanyl use.

      Gastrointestinal issues: Fentanyl, like other opioids, can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation, nausea, and vomiting. If your loved one is experiencing these issues without an apparent cause, it may be a sign of fentanyl use.

      Paraphernalia: Finding drug paraphernalia, such as syringes, small plastic bags, or spoons with burn marks, may indicate fentanyl use. Fentanyl is often sold as a powder or in counterfeit pills, so be alert for unfamiliar pills or powders in your loved one's possession.

      Unexplained financial problems: Fentanyl use can result in financial difficulties due to the cost of obtaining the drug. If your loved one is experiencing unexplained financial issues or frequently requesting money, it could be a sign of fentanyl use.

      Changes in social circles: A shift in your loved one's social circle or a sudden disinterest in activities they once enjoyed may indicate fentanyl use, as they may be prioritizing drug use over other aspects of their life.

      National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
      Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.

      All calls are strictly confidential

      Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.


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