Haven in Shakopee
Haven in Shakopee
275 1st Avenue East
Shakopee, MN. 55379
Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Regular Outpatient Treatment
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
All calls are 100% confidential and free
1-877-882-9275NorthStar Regional has been dedicating its treatment programs and services to helping people who are struggling with substance abuse in Shakopee and its surrounding area.
NorthStar Regional provides a wide variety of treatment and rehabilitation programs, including long term treatment facilities, intensive outpatient treatment, inpatient addiction treatment facilities, inpatient detox programs, short term addiction treatment facilities and more. NorthStar Regional also believes that it is necessary that it offers tailored services to ensure that individuals get the results that they need. This is why NorthStar Regional is specialized in 12-step facilitation approach, anger management, activity therapy, trauma-related counseling, cognitive/behavior therapy, vocational rehabilitation services, among other programs.
NorthStar Regional also provides domestic violence, clients referred from the court/judicial system, social skills development, legal advocacy, residential beds for client's children, suicide prevention services, and offers some of the best aftercare programs - all of which are helpful to its clients. This drug and alcohol rehab program also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
NorthStar Regional also accepts the following forms of payment - private pay, private health insurance, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state welfare or child and family services funds and more.
Sage Prairie has been dedicating its treatment programs and services to helping people who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse in Shakopee, MN. and within the surrounding area.
Sage Prairie provides a wide collection of treatment and rehabilitation methods, including long term rehab programs, outpatient substance abuse treatment services, inpatient drug treatment, inpatient detox programs, short term drug and alcohol rehab facilities and more. Sage Prairie also believes that it is important that it provides individual services to ensure that its clients get the results that they need. This is why Sage Prairie is specialized in 12-step facilitation approach, anger management, activity therapy, trauma-related counseling, cognitive/behavior therapy, vocational rehabilitation services, among other programs.
Sage Prairie also provides domestic violence, clients referred from the court/judicial system, social skills development, legal advocacy, residential beds for client's children, suicide prevention services, and provides some of the best aftercare programs - all of which have been proved to be useful in helping its clients. This substance abuse treatment center also uses treatment methods that can assist you in achieving long lasting sobriety.
Sage Prairie also accepts the following forms of payment - private pay, private insurance, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state welfare or child and family services funds and more.
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