Northern Hills Alcohol/Drug Services DBA Compass Point
1807 Williams Street
Sturgis, SD. 57785
Northern Hills Alcohol/Drug Services is 2.3 miles from Fort Meade, SD
Northern Hills Alcohol/Drug Services provides recovery treatment and rehab services such as long term drug addiction treatment, outpatient counseling, short term drug rehab facilities, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs, outpatient detox centers, and others to clients residing in the local community so that they conquer their substance use issues and find full sobriety. It has services - such as trauma-related counseling, dual diagnosis drug rehab, group therapy, motivational interviewing, individual psychotherapy, behavior modification, and others - which follow its philosophy of the programs that work most effectively. This is because Northern Hills Alcohol/Drug Services knows that complete recovery can only be achieved through highly personalized care.
Further, the drug and alcohol rehab facility specializes in many other programs - like persons with serious mental illness, self-help groups, suicide prevention services, residential beds for client's children, legal advocacy, persons who have experienced sexual abuse and more - as well as many other treatment methods that you can find listed below. Further, this drug and alcohol rehab facility has aftercare programs that work in line with its treatment methods to ensure that individuals maintain permanent, full, and lasting abstinence and sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
Lastly, Northern Hills Alcohol/Drug Services accepts private insurance, cash or self-payment, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, state welfare or child and family services funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher, and more.