Born Free New Beginnings Trt Program of Catholic Charities Inc
7100 Midway Road
Raymond, MS. 39154
Born Free New Beginnings is 28.3 miles from Hazlehurst, MS
Like other alcohol and drug rehabs, Born Free New Beginnings is committed to ongoing recovery for drug and alcohol addicts living in Hazlehurst and within the surrounding region. As such, this addiction treatment center has been offering services like cognitive/behavior therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, anger management, vocational rehabilitation services, brief intervention approach, contingency management/motivational incentive and more.
In Addition, Born Free New Beginnings thinks that it is important that its patients receive individual focus and services to make sure that they are successful. They specialize in several programs such as self-help groups, persons who have experienced sexual abuse, suicide prevention services, veterans, transgender or (LGBT) clients, domestic violence and many other modes of treatment that you can find listed in the following section. Each of the services that the organization offers are also available in a variety of settings - long term rehab centers, inpatient drug treatment, detox centers, outpatient individual counseling, short term drug abuse treatment and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare planning that can help you achieve permanent sobriety both in the short and in the long term. Finally, Born Free New Beginnings accepts private medical insurance, cash or self-payment, military insurance, medicare, medicaid, state welfare or child and family services funds, county or local government funds and others.