Recovery Connections of Maine
105 Middle Street
Lewiston, ME. 04240
Recovery Connections of Maine is 15.4 miles from Oxford, ME
Recovery Connections of Maine has been providing addiction care and rehab services to people who live in the Oxford, Maine area. Today, Recovery Connections of Maine offers services like behavior modification, anger management, motivational interviewing, substance abuse counseling approach, cognitive/behavior therapy, group therapy and others in keeping with its belief of following rehabilitation treatments that work best to help addicts achieve recovery.
This alcohol and drug rehab also believes the best form of treatment to ensure success is to offer individualized care. Services are available in the following settings - outpatient day treatment, inpatient addiction treatment facilities, inpatient detox centers, long term drug and alcohol rehab programs, short term addiction treatment programs and others.
Recovery Connections of Maine also offers aftercare programs to ensure that its clients achieve positive outcomes both in the short and in the long term. Lastly, Recovery Connections of Maine accepts private health insurance, private pay, medicare, medicaid, sliding fee scale, county or local government funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others as forms of payment.