3976 Woodville Highway
Tallahassee, FL. 32305
Tallahassee, FL has various treatment options: 7 low cost programs, 1 inpatient rehab center, 6 drug rehabs that take private insurance like BCBS, 1 drug detox, 7 outpatient treatment programs.
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1-877-882-9275You can now filter our treatment results to show you tailored rehab programs that fit your exact needs. Just choose the type of treatment you are looking for, a payment type such as private insurance or low cost, and any specialized treatment approach you are interested in. Click submit and we will provide a list of alcohol and drug rehab centers that match your criteria.
Tallahassee Outpatient Annex has been providing ongoing addiction treatment and rehab services to people who live in the Tallahassee, FL. area. Today, Tallahassee Outpatient Annex offers services like trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, matrix model, vocational rehabilitation services and others in keeping with its philosophy of following rehabilitation treatments that work best to help clients achieve sobriety.
This alcohol and drug rehab also believes the best form of treatment to ensure success is to offer individualized care. Services are available in the following settings - inpatient detoxification centers, inpatient drug rehab programs, short term rehabs, long term drug addiction treatment, intensive outpatient treatment and others.
Tallahassee Outpatient Annex also offers aftercare programs to ensure that its clients achieve positive outcomes both in the short and in the long term. Lastly, Tallahassee Outpatient Annex accepts private medical insurance, private pay, medicaid, medicare, sliding fee scale, other state funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others as payment forms.
A Life Recovery Center Inc has been providing recovery care and rehabilitation services to residents of the Tallahassee area. Today, A Life Recovery Center Inc offers services like trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, matrix model, vocational rehabilitation services and others in line with its philosophy of following rehab treatments that work best to help people achieve sobriety.
This alcohol and drug treatment program also thinks that the way to get the best result for the client is to offer individual care. Services are available in the following settings - outpatient detox facilities, inpatient drug addiction treatment, short term drug treatment, long term drug and alcohol rehab centers, intensive outpatient treatment and others.
It also believes that an aftercare program is integral in promoting recovery in the long term. Lastly, A Life Recovery Center Inc accepts private insurance, private pay, medicaid, medicare, sliding fee scale, other state funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others as forms of payment.
ANCHOR Treatment Center LLC has been providing addiction care and rehab services to the residents of Tallahassee, Florida and those living within the surrounding communities. Today, ANCHOR Treatment Center LLC provides services like trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, matrix model, vocational rehabilitation services and others in keeping with its philosophy of following rehab treatments that work best to help people achieve recovery.
This addiction treatment center also believes the best form of treatment to ensure success is to offer individualized care. Services are available in the following settings - detox facilities, inpatient drug addiction treatment, short term treatment programs, long term drug and alcohol rehab programs, outpatient substance abuse treatment services and others.
ANCHOR Treatment Center LLC also offers aftercare programs to ensure that its clients achieve positive outcomes both in the short and in the long term. Lastly, ANCHOR Treatment Center LLC accepts private insurance, cash or self-payment, medicaid, medicare, sliding fee scale, other state funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others as forms of payment.
DISC Village Inc has been providing ongoing recovery care and rehab services to people who live in the Tallahassee, FL. area. Today, DISC Village Inc provides services like trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, brief intervention approach, behavior modification, matrix model, vocational rehabilitation services and others in line with its philosophy of following rehabilitation treatments that work best to help addicts achieve sobriety.
This substance abuse treatment center also believes the best form of treatment to ensure success is to offer individualized care. Services are available in the following settings - detox centers, inpatient treatment centers, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, outpatient substance abuse treatment services and others.
DISC Village Inc also offers aftercare programs to ensure that its clients achieve positive outcomes both in the short and in the long term. Lastly, DISC Village Inc accepts private insurance, private pay, medicaid, medicare, sliding fee scale, other state funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds and others as payment forms.
People may abuse addictive substances for a variety of reasons, often involving a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Here are some common reasons:
Biological Factors: Certain individuals may be genetically predisposed to addiction. This could involve inherited traits that affect the way substances interact with their brain or influence their susceptibility to mental health disorders, which can increase the risk of substance abuse.
Psychological Factors: Many people turn to addictive substances as a way to cope with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Substance use may provide temporary relief from these conditions, though in the long term it often exacerbates them.
Social Factors: Peer pressure, especially among young people, can lead to substance abuse. If an individual is in an environment where drug or alcohol use is common, they may feel compelled to partake in order to fit in.
Environmental Factors: Stressful or traumatic environments can increase the risk of substance abuse. This can include living in poverty, experiencing abuse or neglect, or being exposed to violence.
Curiosity and Experimentation: Particularly among adolescents and young adults, the desire to try new experiences can lead to substance use.
Self-Medication: Some people use substances to self-medicate physical pain. For example, the opioid crisis has been fueled in part by individuals who initially used prescription opioids to manage pain and then developed an addiction.
Escapism: People may use substances to escape their reality, numb emotional pain, or simply to feel good. Addictive substances often provide a temporary sense of euphoria or relaxation, which can be enticing.
Co-occurring Disorders: Individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders are at a significantly higher risk of substance use disorders. This is because these individuals might use substances as a form of self-medication.
Recovery rates from drug addiction can vary significantly based on factors like the substance being used, the individual's overall health, the presence of co-occurring mental health disorders, the length and intensity of substance use, the quality of the treatment program, and the individual's level of engagement and commitment to recovery.
Estimating an exact recovery rate is challenging because of these variables and differing definitions of what constitutes "recovery." For some, recovery might mean complete abstinence from the substance, while for others, it might mean a significant reduction in use and an improvement in quality of life. Furthermore, recovery is often a lifelong process with potential for relapses, which may be part of the journey rather than a failure of treatment.
That said, numerous studies have shown that recovery is indeed possible. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), about 10% of American adults have overcome a drug use disorder. Additionally, research in the field of addiction often cites that roughly 50% of individuals who remain in treatment for an extended period show significant improvement or recovery, with some studies showing even higher rates.
It's crucial to remember that even though the road to recovery can be difficult, help is available, and many individuals successfully manage their addiction and lead fulfilling, healthy lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, reaching out to healthcare professionals can be the first step toward recovery.
"The Cognitive Behavioral Method, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is an evidence-based psychological approach for treating addiction that focuses on identifying and modifying dysfunctional thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to substance use disorders. CBT is grounded in the understanding that an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, and by changing maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors, they can better manage their emotions and reduce their reliance on addictive substances.
CBT for addiction treatment typically involves the following key components:
CBT for addiction treatment can be delivered in individual, group, or family therapy settings and is often used in conjunction with other treatment modalities, such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), peer support groups, or motivational interviewing. CBT has been found to be effective in treating various substance use disorders, including alcohol, opioid, and stimulant addiction, as well as co-occurring mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression."
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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