425 North First Street
Immokalee, FL. 34142
(239) 657-4434
David Lawrence Center Substance Abuse Detox is dedicated to helping any person with an alcohol or drug abuse issue in Immokalee, Florida and within the surrounding neighborhoods find full recovery. It provides several programs - such as outpatient substance abuse counseling, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, inpatient detoxification programs, long term drug rehab facilities, inpatient drug addiction treatment and others - in keeping with its philosophy of the addiction treatment and rehab modalities that work in recovery. This substance abuse treatment facility also believes that people require individual care to be able to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.
As such, David Lawrence Center Substance Abuse Detox specializes in trauma therapy, matrix model, behavior modification, cognitive/behavior therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, individual psychotherapy and more. Similarly, it accepts patients who are suicide prevention services, clients with HIV/AIDS, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, programs for the hearing impaired, domestic violence, legal advocacy, and others. This alcohol and drug rehab uses care methods that can assist clients to maintain lasting and permanent abstinence from the substances of abuse that they have used in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in David Lawrence Center Substance Abuse Detox can pay for services using cash or self-payment, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, state education funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and others.