Havens of Ohio DBA WoodHaven
Havens of Ohio DBA WoodHaven
1 Elizabeth Place
Dayton, OH. 45417
Havens of Ohio is committed to assisting anyone with a drug or alcohol abuse problem in Kettering and within the surrounding neighborhoods find full recovery. It provides several programs - such as inpatient drug addiction treatment, long term treatment centers, outpatient detoxification facilities, short term drug treatment, outpatient counseling and others - in keeping with its philosophy of the addiction care and rehabilitation modalities that work in recovery. This drug and alcohol treatment program also believes that clients require individual treatment to be able to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.
As such, Havens of Ohio specializes in dual diagnosis drug rehab, anger management, motivational interviewing, relapse prevention, behavior modification, couple/family therapy and more. At the same time, it accepts clients who are social skills development, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, child care for clients children, seniors or older adults, suicide prevention services, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, and others. This drug and alcohol treatment program uses treatment modalities that can assist clients to achieve lasting and permanent sobriety and abstinence from the substances of abuse that they have used in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in Havens of Ohio can pay for services using private medical insurance, cash or self-payment, medicare, medicaid, payment assistance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.
Inpatient Drug Rehab, Long-Term Drug Rehab, Inpatient Detox
Cognitive/behavior Therapy, Telemedicine Therapy, Relapse prevention, Substance abuse counseling approach, 12-step facilitation approach
Cash or Self-Payment, Medicaid, Private Health Insurance
Aftercare/continuing care, Comprehensive substance abuse assessment, Drug or alcohol urine screening, Discharge Planning, Family counseling offered, Housing services, Individual counseling offered, Interim services for clients, Marital/couples counseling offered, Substance abuse education, Screening for Hepatitis C, Screening for substance abuse
Young Adults, Adults
Female, Male
Smoking Allowed In Designated Area
Private for-profit organization