1609 West 3rd Avenue
Williamson, WV. 25661
Williamson, WV has nearby treatment options including: 7 low cost programs, 1 inpatient rehab, 4 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like Blue Cross Blue Shield, 2 drug detox, 3 outpatient rehabs.
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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Clinic is 3.8 miles from Williamson, West Virginia
Clinic has been providing addiction treatment and rehab services to residents of the Williamson, WV. area. Today, Clinic offers services like rational emotive behavioral therapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy, group therapy, motivational interviewing, vocational rehabilitation services and others in keeping with its belief of following rehabilitation treatments that work best to help addicts achieve recovery.
This drug and alcohol rehab program also thinks that the way to get the best result for the client is to offer individual care. Services are available in the following settings - outpatient day treatment, detoxification programs, short term drug treatment, inpatient treatment centers, long term drug addiction treatment and others.
Clinic also offers aftercare programs to ensure that its clients achieve positive outcomes both in the short and in the long term. Lastly, Clinic accepts private health insurance, private pay, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, state education funds, county or local government funds and others as payment forms.
Logan Mingo Area Mental Health Inc is 5.1 miles from Williamson, West Virginia
Logan Mingo Area Mental Health Inc has been providing addiction care and rehab services to residents of the Williamson, WV. area. Today, Logan Mingo Area Mental Health Inc offers services like rational emotive behavioral therapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy, group therapy, motivational interviewing, vocational rehabilitation services and others in keeping with its belief of following rehab treatments that work best to help addicts achieve sobriety.
This drug and alcohol rehab also believes that individual care for each client is the best way to provide them with the best form of treatment. Services are available in the following settings - outpatient day treatment, inpatient detox facilities, short term drug and alcohol rehab centers, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs, long term rehab centers and others.
It also believes that an aftercare program is integral in promoting recovery in the long term. Lastly, Logan Mingo Area Mental Health Inc accepts private health insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, state education funds, county or local government funds and others as payment forms.
Addiction Recovery Care is 18.9 miles from Williamson, WV
Addiction Recovery Care has been offering ongoing addiction treatment and rehabilitation services to residents of the Williamson, WV. area. Today, Addiction Recovery Care offers services like rational emotive behavioral therapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, cognitive/behavior therapy, group therapy, motivational interviewing, vocational rehabilitation services and others in keeping with its belief of following rehabilitation treatments that work best to help people achieve sobriety.
This alcohol and drug treatment program also thinks that the way to get the best result for the client is to offer individual care. Services are available in the following settings - outpatient hospital programs, inpatient detoxification programs, short term rehab facilities, inpatient drug rehab facilities, long term drug and alcohol rehabs and others.
Addiction Recovery Care also offers aftercare programs to ensure that its clients achieve positive outcomes both in the short and in the long term. Lastly, Addiction Recovery Care accepts private health insurance, private pay, sliding fee scale, payment assistance, state education funds, county or local government funds and others as forms of payment.
Facing a family member who is a drug abuser is a challenging and emotional process. The ultimate goal should be to encourage the individual to seek help. Here are some steps that can be taken:
Deciding to distance yourself from a loved one who is struggling with addiction is a deeply personal and difficult decision. There's no universal right or wrong answer, as it depends on the individual circumstances, the severity of the addiction, the impact on your wellbeing, and other factors. However, there are a few circumstances where walking away might be the appropriate course of action:
Helping a loved one who is struggling with addiction but refuses assistance can be a challenging and delicate situation. However, there are several approaches you can take:
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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