96-3150 Pikaki Street
Pahala, HI. 96777
Pahala, HI has several nearby treatment choices including: 1 low cost program, 0 inpatient treatment center, 1 drug rehab that takes PPO insurance like Cigna, 0 drug and alcohol detox, 4 outpatient rehabs.
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Bridge House is 36.4 miles from Pahala, HI
Bridge House is a drug and alcohol rehab program for individuals residing in the Pahala area while battling an alcohol and drug abuse disorder . It offers services like couple/family therapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, brief intervention approach, activity therapy, vocational rehabilitation services, substance abuse counseling approach and more, that are in keeping with its philosophy of the treatments that have been proved to work.
In the same way, Bridge House believes in individual treatment to ensure that their patients find success and sobriety. The substance abuse treatment facility has also specialized in other treatments like programs for the hearing impaired, persons with eating disorders, substance abuse education, transgender or (LGBT) clients, social skills development, aftercare/continuing care - among many others. All these services are also provided by Bridge House in various settings like outpatient substance abuse treatment services, short term rehab facilities, long term drug abuse treatment, inpatient rehabs, outpatient detoxification programs, as well as others.
Further, it has aftercare plans designed to help you achieve permanent stability. These services have made sure that Bridge House has a special place within the Pahala area, especially because they lead to both positive short and long term outcomes for the clients who enroll into this drug and alcohol rehab. Last but not least, Bridge House accepts private pay, private health insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, state education funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and others.
Big Island Substance Abuse Council is 41.6 miles from Pahala, Hawaii
HOPE Treatment Services is 42.8 miles from Pahala, HI
HOPE Treatment Services is a drug and alcohol rehab facility for individuals residing in the Pahala, HI. area while battling a drug and alcohol use disorder . As such, it offers services like couple/family therapy, dual diagnosis drug rehab, brief intervention approach, activity therapy, vocational rehabilitation services, substance abuse counseling approach and more, that are in keeping with its philosophy of evidence based treatments that are proven effective.
In the same way, HOPE Treatment Services believes in individualized care to ensure that their patients achieve the best possible results. The drug and alcohol treatment facility also specializes in other treatments like programs for the hearing impaired, persons with eating disorders, substance abuse education, transgender or (LGBT) clients, social skills development, aftercare/continuing care - among many others. Many of these services are also provided by HOPE Treatment Services in various settings like outpatient counseling, short term treatment facilities, long term treatment programs, inpatient addiction treatment facilities, inpatient detox centers, as well as others.
In addition, it has aftercare planning designed to help you find permanent and lasting sobriety. These programs have made sure that HOPE Treatment Services has a special place within the local community, especially because they promote both positive short and long term outcomes for the people who enroll into this addiction treatment center. Lastly, HOPE Treatment Services accepts private pay, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, state education funds, access to recovery (atr) voucher and others.
Alcoholism, or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), can lead to liver damage over time as the liver struggles to process excessive amounts of alcohol. Liver damage due to alcoholism can manifest in various ways, with signs ranging from mild to severe. Some common signs of liver damage from alcoholism include:
It is important to seek medical attention if you or someone you know is experiencing signs of liver damage from alcoholism. Early diagnosis and intervention can help prevent further damage and improve the chances of recovery. Treatment may include abstaining from alcohol, making lifestyle changes, and addressing any underlying health conditions contributing to liver damage.
Identifying a loved one's drug abuse can be challenging as symptoms can vary depending on the substance being used, the duration of use, and the individual's personal circumstances. However, there are several signs that could potentially indicate drug abuse. These signs can be physical, behavioral, and psychological.
Physical Signs:
Behavioral Signs:
Psychological Signs:
Several relationship factors can increase the risk of developing a drug or alcohol abuse problem. These include:
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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