Bokker Enterprises DBA Hope Behavioral Health
2012 Highway 62 412
Hardy, AR. 72542
Bokker Enterprises is 26.2 miles from Pocahontas, Arkansas
Bokker Enterprises is committed to assisting anyone with a drug or alcohol use problem in the local community find full recovery. It offers several services - such as inpatient detoxification centers, long term drug and alcohol rehab programs, outpatient counseling, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, inpatient treatment facilities and others - in keeping with its belief of the recovery care and rehabilitation methods that are effective in recovery. This drug and alcohol rehab center also believes that people require individual care to be able to maintain their sobriety.
As such, Bokker Enterprises has specialized in cognitive/behavior therapy, substance abuse counseling approach, anger management, group therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive/behavior therapy and more. At the same time, it accepts clients who are treatment for spanish-speaking clients, transgender or (LGBT) clients, domestic violence, clients with HIV/AIDS, persons with eating disorders, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, and others. This alcohol and drug rehabilitation program uses treatment methods that can help clients to maintain lasting and permanent sobriety from the substances abused in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in Bokker Enterprises can pay for services using cash or self-payment, private health insurance, sliding fee scale, military insurance, other state funds, county or local government funds and others.