Tropical Texas Behavioral Health Edinburg Outpatient
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health Edinburg Outpatient
1901 South 24th Avenue
Edinburg, TX. 78539
Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Regular Outpatient Treatment
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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1-877-882-9275Like other addiction treatment facilities, Treatment Associates is dedicated to long term recovery for alcohol and drug abusers living in the Edinburg, TX. area. As such, this addiction treatment center has been offering services like couple/family therapy, activity therapy, substance abuse counseling approach, trauma therapy, cognitive/behavior therapy, individual psychotherapy and more, which is in line with its philosophy of the treatments that actually work to help addicts recover from their condition (s).
Further, Treatment Associates thinks that it is essential that its clients receive individualized care to ensure that they get effective results. They specialize in various programs such as legal advocacy, active duty military, persons with eating disorders, residential beds for client's children, transgender or (LGBT) clients, domestic violence and others that you can find listed below. These services that Treatment Associates offers are also available in a variety of settings - outpatient detox centers, short term rehab centers, long term drug addiction treatment, outpatient individual counseling, inpatient treatment facilities and more.
This rehab also has aftercare programs that can help you achieve permanent stability both in the short and in the long term. Finally, Treatment Associates accepts private pay, private insurance, medicaid, medicare, military insurance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.
Like other alcohol and drug rehab facilities, Eldorado Texas Community Service Ctr is dedicated to ongoing recovery for alcohol and drug addicts living in the Edinburg, TX. area. As such, this substance abuse treatment center has been providing care like couple/family therapy, activity therapy, substance abuse counseling approach, trauma therapy, cognitive/behavior therapy, individual psychotherapy and more, which is in line with its philosophy of the treatments that actually work to help addicts recover from their condition (s).
Further, Eldorado Texas Community Service Ctr believes that it is important that its patients receive individualized care to ensure that they get effective results. This is why it specializes in various programs such as legal advocacy, active duty military, persons with eating disorders, residential beds for client's children, transgender or (LGBT) clients, domestic violence and others that you can find listed below. These services that the organization provides are also available in a variety of settings - detox programs, short term drug abuse treatment, long term drug abuse treatment, outpatient day treatment, inpatient drug rehab programs and more.
This rehab also has aftercare plans and programs and other treatment methods that can help you find lasting stability both in the short and in the long term. Finally, Eldorado Texas Community Service Ctr accepts cash or self-payment, private insurance, medicare, medicaid, military insurance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.
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