Carolina Behavioral Care
Carolina Behavioral Care
209 Millstone Drive
Hillsborough, NC. 27278
Outpatient Detox, Regular Outpatient Treatment
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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1-877-882-9275Carolina Behavioral Care is known for dedicating its addiction services to the individuals who struggle with alcohol and drug use disorders in Hillsborough, North Carolina and within the surrounding neighborhoods.
Services are offered on an individual basis to ensure people achieve full recovery in the long term. Carolina Behavioral Care has also specialized in relapse prevention, contingency management/motivational incentive, group therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, substance abuse counseling approach, and others - as well as other treatment modalities such as active duty military, veterans, residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, housing services, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, and more.
Additionally, Carolina Behavioral Care has programs such as long term drug rehab programs, outpatient detoxification programs, outpatient hospital programs, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs for verifiable addictions to alcohol and drugs. The alcohol and drug rehab center uses treatment methods that can provide lasting and permanent stability to any person with a drug and alcohol use issue. Finally, Carolina Behavioral Care accepts clients with different kinds of payment methods - including private insurance, private pay, military insurance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.
Eleanor Health Durham has made a name for itself by dedicating its recovery services to the individuals who struggle with alcohol and drug use issues in the Hillsborough area.
Services are offered on an individual basis to make sure clients find full recovery in the long term. Eleanor Health Durham has also specialized in relapse prevention, contingency management/motivational incentive, group therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, substance abuse counseling approach, and others - as well as many other treatment methods such as active duty military, veterans, residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, housing services, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, and more.
Additionally, Eleanor Health Durham has programs such as long term drug addiction treatment, outpatient detoxification centers, outpatient individual counseling, inpatient drug rehab facilities, short term rehabs for clients with addictions to drugs and alcohol. The drug and alcohol rehab facility uses treatment modalities that can provide lasting stability to any person with an alcohol and drug use issue. Finally, Eleanor Health Durham accepts individuals with different types of payment methods - including private health insurance, cash or self-payment, military insurance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.
Reliable Health Services Inc has made a name for itself by dedicating its recovery services to the people who struggle with substance abuse issues in the Hillsborough area.
Services are provided on an individual basis to ensure clients find full recovery in the long term. Reliable Health Services Inc also specializes in relapse prevention, contingency management/motivational incentive, group therapy, couple/family therapy, behavior modification, substance abuse counseling approach, and others - as well as other treatment modalities such as active duty military, veterans, residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, housing services, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, and more.
Additionally, Reliable Health Services Inc has programs such as long term drug abuse treatment, outpatient detox centers, outpatient day treatment, inpatient rehabs, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs for clients with addictions to drugs and alcohol. The alcohol and drug rehab program uses treatment modalities that can provide lasting stability to any person with a drug and alcohol abuse disorder. Finally, Reliable Health Services Inc accepts individuals with different types of payment methods - including private medical insurance, private pay, military insurance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.
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