Mississippi Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facilities That Accept Military Insurance Tricare
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facilities That Accept Military Insurance (TRICARE)
Military members and their families often use military insurance (Primarily TRICARE) to pay for their healthcare needs. When it comes to drug and alcohol rehab, using this insurance may not be as easy as using private insurance, but some rehab facilities in Mississippi will accept Tricare in order to help military members and their families receive the treatment they need.
What is TRICARE Insurance?
TRICARE Overview and Eligibility
TRICARE is a healthcare program managed by the Defense Health Agency for active-duty military members, military retirees, their families, and activated members of the National Guard. This program is mandated for all active-duty, uniformed military members.
The full list of eligible individuals includes the following:
- Active duty Uniformed Service members
- Retired Uniformed Service members
- National Guard or Reserve members
- Medal of Honor recipients
- Spouses or children of the above
- Survivors of a deceased military member
- Former spouses of a military member
- Registered members of the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)
This broad eligibility means that there are about 9.6 million people nationwide who participate in the TRICARE program.
TRICARE Coverage
TRICARE provides comprehensive healthcare coverage for all of its beneficiaries, including healthcare, dental care, prescription coverage, and a variety of special programs such as childbirth, extended care, cancer trials, and chiropractic care.
These many services are delivered through 11 separate plans tailored to the specific groups who are eligible to participate in this healthcare program. These plans include the following:
- TRICARE Prime Remote
- TRICARE Prime Overseas
- TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas
- TRICARE Select
- TRICARE Select Overseas
- TRICARE For Life
- TRICARE Reserve Select
- TRICARE Retired Reserve
- TRICARE Young Adult
- US Family Health Plan
Each of these plans is crafted to meet the needs of specific demographics within the military. For example, TRICARE Prime covers active duty military members, while US Family Health Plan covers their families, and Prime Remote covers members who are more than 50 miles away from a military hospital.
TRICARE and Addiction Rehab
Due to the comprehensive nature of TRICARE, and its adherence to the minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act, drug and alcohol rehab is available under every TRICARE plan. In addition, TRICARE provides coverage for most forms of rehab including the following:
- Inpatient treatment
- Emergency rehab services
- Detox
- Related mental health services
- Partial hospitalization
- Outpatient services
Patients should be aware that TRICARE will not cover aversion therapy for addiction or "unproven" treatments, which may include some alternative therapies.
Thanks to TRICARE's wide range of covered rehab services, TRICARE patients in Mississippi may be able to access treatment in an affordable manner.
Can veterans have their rehab covered under TRICARE?
Any veteran who is eligible for TRICARE benefits can also receive drug and alcohol rehab benefits from their healthcare plan. Most of the time, these benefits will cover both outpatient and inpatient programs, allowing vets to access the treatment they need, in the context in which they need it.
Veterans who wish to use their TRICARE benefits toward rehab will need to find a rehab facility that accepts TRICARE in Mississippi. This is the only potential challenge for vets looking for addiction treatment: Locating a facility that will accept their military insurance.
Veterans looking to use TRICARE for their recovery can, however, contact addiction counselors throughout Mississippi to receive guidance toward covered programs. Addiction rehab does not have to be out of reach for veterans, any member of the military, or their families.