Connecticut Counseling Centers Inc
Connecticut Counseling Centers Inc
60 Beaver Brook Road
Danbury, CT. 06810
Outpatient Detox, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Regular Outpatient Treatment
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
All calls are 100% confidential and free
1-877-882-9275Bridgeport Hospital has been dedicating its treatment services and programs to helping individuals who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse in Danbury, CT. and within the surrounding area.
To this end, Bridgeport Hospital provides a wide range of treatment and rehabilitation methods, including outpatient hospital programs, short term drug and alcohol rehabs, long term rehabs, outpatient detoxification centers, inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs and more. Bridgeport Hospital also believes that it is important that it offers specific services to ensure that individuals get the results that they need. This is why Bridgeport Hospital is specialized in activity therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, group therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, trauma-related counseling, vocational rehabilitation services, among other programs.
Bridgeport Hospital also provides self-help groups, domestic violence, persons with eating disorders, veterans, clients referred from the court/judicial system, persons with serious mental illness, and provides some of the best aftercare programs - all of which have been proved to be useful in helping its clients. This addiction treatment program also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve full stability both in the long term and permanently.
Bridgeport Hospital also accepts the following forms of payment - cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, medicaid, medicare, payment assistance, state corrections or juvenile justice funds, state welfare or child and family services funds and more.
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