Recovery Centers of Arkansas
Recovery Centers of Arkansas
1201 River Road
North Little Rock, AR. 72114
Inpatient Drug Rehab, Short-Term
For help finding an addiction treatment center, Call us!
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1-877-882-9275Serenity Park Treatment Center has been providing addiction care to individuals who reside in and around North Little Rock, AR. and who are fighting with substance use issues. As such, Serenity Park Treatment Center offers a wide array of services including vocational rehabilitation services, behavior modification, brief intervention approach, dual diagnosis drug rehab, trauma therapy, couple/family therapy and others using its unique approaches to addiction treatment.
This rehabilitation facility also thinks that each client benefits most from individualized services. Because of this, it has been specializing in a wide array of personalized treatments like domestic violence, housing services, treatment for spanish-speaking clients, programs for the hearing impaired, substance abuse education, clients with HIV/AIDS and more. In the same way, this drug and alcohol rehab facility offers these treatments in the following settings - outpatient detox facilities, short term drug and alcohol rehab programs, long term addiction treatment facilities, inpatient rehab facilities, intensive outpatient treatment and more.
It also has aftercare programs designed to replicate its treatment methods in the creation of a level of stability, abstinence, and sobriety that is permanent and lasting. Lastly, Serenity Park Treatment Center accepts these forms of payment - including private pay, private health insurance, payment assistance, military insurance, county or local government funds, state welfare or child and family services funds and others.
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