Maxwell Inst of Saint Vincents Hosp Westchester Div of St Josephs Med Ctr
Tuckahoe, NY. 10707
Maxwell Inst of Saint Vincents Hosp Westchester Div of St Josephs Med Ctr is an alcohol and drug treatment facility for individuals living in Tuckahoe, NY. and within the surrounding neighborhoods and struggling with an alcohol and drug abuse issue . As such, it offers services like Cognitive/behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Telemedicine Therapy and more, that are in line with its philosophy of the treatments that have been proved to work.
Maxwell Inst of Saint Vincents Hosp Westchester Div of St Josephs Med Ctr believes in individualized care to make sure that their clients achieve the best possible results. The drug and alcohol rehab facility also specializes in other types of care like Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Adolescents, Aftercare/continuing care - among many others. Many of these services are also provided by Maxwell Inst of Saint Vincents Hosp Westchester Div of St Josephs Med Ctr in different settings like Outpatient Programs, Outpatient Methadone/Buprenorphine or Vivitrol, as well as others.
Further, it has aftercare programs and other treatment methods created to help you achieve permanent and lasting sobriety. These services have made sure that Maxwell Inst of Saint Vincents Hosp Westchester Div of St Josephs Med Ctr has a special place within Tuckahoe and its surrounding area, especially because they promote both positive short and long term outcomes for the people who enroll into this drug and alcohol treatment program. Last but not least, Maxwell Inst of Saint Vincents Hosp Westchester Div of St Josephs Med Ctr accepts Cash or Self-Payment, Medicaid and others.