Go Sober Centennial
Englewood, CO. 80112
Go Sober Centennial is dedicated to helping any person with a drug or alcohol use disorder in the Englewood, Colorado area find complete recovery. It provides several services - such as Outpatient Programs, Outpatient Detox and others - in keeping with its belief of the recovery care and rehab modalities that are effective in recovery. This addiction treatment center also believes that clients require individual care and treatment to be able to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.
As such, Go Sober Centennial has specialized in Cognitive/behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Telemedicine Therapy and more. Similarly, it accepts clients who are Aftercare/continuing care, Breath analyzer or blood alcohol testing, Case management, and others. This drug and alcohol treatment facility uses treatment methods that can help patients to achieve sobriety and abstinence from the substances of abuse that they have used in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in Go Sober Centennial can pay for services using Cash or Self-Payment and others.