425 East Main Street
Othello, WA. 99344
Adams Cnty Integrated Healthcare Servs is 32.6 miles from Pasco, WA
Adams Cnty Integrated Healthcare Servs is devoted to helping the residents of Pasco and the surrounding areas to find full recovery after a period of struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Because of this, Adams Cnty Integrated Healthcare Servs administers a wide range of services in line with their belief of treatments that work - including intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient detox centers, short term rehab facilities, long term drug and alcohol rehab centers, inpatient rehab centers and others.
Adams Cnty Integrated Healthcare Servs also believes that it is crucial that every individual gets specific treatments that are tailored to their needs to help ensure treatment is a success. This is why it is specialized in a wide variety of treatment methods, including 12-step facilitation approach, motivational interviewing, couple/family therapy, group therapy, trauma therapy, brief intervention approach and others. Additionally, Adams Cnty Integrated Healthcare Servs is specialized in veterans, residential beds for client's children, domestic violence, child care for clients children, social skills development, transgender or (LGBT) clients, as well as other special programs. In general, the treatment methods that this substance abuse treatment center uses can provide the level of stability that is as permanent as it is lasting.
Lastly, Adams Cnty Integrated Healthcare Servs accepts private insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, military insurance, state education funds, other state funds and more.