Aloha Behavioral Consultants Inc
811 North Harrisville Road
Ogden, UT. 84404
Aloha Behavioral Consultants Inc is 2.5 miles from North Ogden, UT
Aloha Behavioral Consultants Inc is committed to helping anyone with an alcohol or drug abuse problem in North Ogden, Utah and its surrounding areas find complete recovery. It provides several services - such as short term addiction treatment centers, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facilities, long term drug treatment, inpatient detox centers, intensive outpatient treatment and others - in keeping with its belief of the addiction treatment and rehabilitation methods that are effective in recovery. This drug and alcohol treatment facility also believes that people require individual treatment to be able to maintain their sobriety.
As such, Aloha Behavioral Consultants Inc has specialized in contingency management/motivational incentive, substance abuse counseling approach, behavior modification, motivational interviewing, vocational rehabilitation services, matrix model and more. At the same time, it accepts patients who are veterans, transgender or (LGBT) clients, persons with eating disorders, legal advocacy, seniors or older adults, programs for the hearing impaired, and others. This alcohol and drug treatment facility uses treatment methods that can assist clients to maintain lasting and permanent sobriety and abstinence from the substances abused in the past.
In terms of payment, clients in Aloha Behavioral Consultants Inc can pay for services using cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, military insurance, state corrections or juvenile justice funds, state welfare or child and family services funds and others.