Western PA Adult and Teen Challenge
220 Challenge Lane
Cheswick, PA. 15024
Western PA Adult and Teen Challenge is 4.7 miles from Tarentum, PA
Like other substance abuse treatment centers, Western PA Adult and Teen Challenge is committed to long term recovery for drug and alcohol abusers living in Tarentum and its surrounding areas. As such, this drug and alcohol rehab program has been providing services like cognitive/behavior therapy, group therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, contingency management/motivational incentive, motivational interviewing, trauma-related counseling and more.
Further, Western PA Adult and Teen Challenge thinks that it is essential that its patients receive individual focus and services to ensure that they are successful. This is why it specializes in several programs such as persons with serious mental illness, domestic violence, persons with eating disorders, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, suicide prevention services, social skills development and others that you can find listed below. These services that Western PA Adult and Teen Challenge provides are also available in different settings - long term drug rehab centers, detoxification programs, short term rehabs, outpatient day treatment, inpatient drug addiction treatment and more.
Not surprisingly, this rehab also has aftercare programs and other treatment methods that can help you find permanent sobriety both in the short and in the long term. Finally, Western PA Adult and Teen Challenge accepts cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, military insurance, access to recovery (atr) voucher, county or local government funds and others.