15905 Union Turnpike
Fresh Meadows, NY. 11366
718-906-6700 x3008
Fresh Meadows, NY has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 6 low cost programs, 1 inpatient treatment center, 4 drug rehabs that take PPO insurance like Cigna, 0 drug and alcohol detox, 3 outpatient treatment programs.
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NYC H and H Queens is 1.2 miles from Fresh Meadows, NY
NYC H and H Queens has long been dedicated to assisting individuals recovery after a period of drug and alcohol addiction. It has been doing this within Fresh Meadows and in the surrounding areas for many years now. NYC H and H Queens offers services like brief intervention approach, cognitive/behavior therapy, relapse prevention, group therapy, motivational interviewing, couple/family therapy - all of which represent their treatment philosophy. Additionally, NYC H and H Queens believes that clients need specially tailored treatment programs to achieve recovery. This is why it offers various programs, like programs for the hearing impaired, domestic violence, transgender or (LGBT) clients, housing services, social skills development, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders - among other services listed in the following sections.
NYC H and H Queens offers outpatient detox programs, inpatient addiction treatment programs, short term drug rehab centers, outpatient substance abuse counseling, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities and others. Further, NYC H and H Queens has continued recovery programs that are useful in helping clients after they complete treatment. This drug and alcohol rehab also uses treatment types that can help you achieve and maintain a full recovery.
Finally, NYC H and H Queens accepts private health insurance, private pay, sliding fee scale, military insurance, county or local government funds, state welfare or child and family services funds, as well as others.
Flushing Hospital and Medical Center is 1.9 miles from Fresh Meadows, New York
Flushing Hospital and Medical Center has long been dedicated to helping its clients recovery after a period of abusing drugs and alcohol. It has been doing this within Fresh Meadows, NY. and in the surrounding communities for many years now. Flushing Hospital and Medical Center provides services like brief intervention approach, cognitive/behavior therapy, relapse prevention, group therapy, motivational interviewing, couple/family therapy - all of which represent their treatment philosophy. Flushing Hospital and Medical Center believes that clients need unique and individualized treatment approaches to achieve lasting recovery. This is why it provides several programs, like programs for the hearing impaired, domestic violence, transgender or (LGBT) clients, housing services, social skills development, co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders - among other services listed in the following sections.
In the same way, Flushing Hospital and Medical Center offers inpatient detoxification programs, inpatient rehab programs, short term rehab centers, outpatient hospital programs, long term drug and alcohol rehabs and others. Further, Flushing Hospital and Medical Center has relapse prevention programs that are useful in helping clients after they check out of rehab. This alcohol and drug treatment facility also uses treatment methods that can help you achieve lasting sobriety.
Finally, Flushing Hospital and Medical Center accepts private health insurance, cash or self-payment, sliding fee scale, military insurance, county or local government funds, state welfare or child and family services funds, as well as others.
Counseling Service of EDNY is 1.9 miles from Fresh Meadows, NY
Recovery rates from drug addiction can vary significantly based on factors like the substance being used, the individual's overall health, the presence of co-occurring mental health disorders, the length and intensity of substance use, the quality of the treatment program, and the individual's level of engagement and commitment to recovery.
Estimating an exact recovery rate is challenging because of these variables and differing definitions of what constitutes "recovery." For some, recovery might mean complete abstinence from the substance, while for others, it might mean a significant reduction in use and an improvement in quality of life. Furthermore, recovery is often a lifelong process with potential for relapses, which may be part of the journey rather than a failure of treatment.
That said, numerous studies have shown that recovery is indeed possible. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), about 10% of American adults have overcome a drug use disorder. Additionally, research in the field of addiction often cites that roughly 50% of individuals who remain in treatment for an extended period show significant improvement or recovery, with some studies showing even higher rates.
It's crucial to remember that even though the road to recovery can be difficult, help is available, and many individuals successfully manage their addiction and lead fulfilling, healthy lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, reaching out to healthcare professionals can be the first step toward recovery.
Chronic drug abuse can indeed affect an individual's ability to empathize with others, but it's important to note that this doesn't occur in every case and can depend on a variety of factors, including the specific substance used, the duration and severity of the abuse, and the individual's personal characteristics.
Drugs alter the brain's structure and function, including areas associated with empathy and social cognition, such as the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. Over time, these changes can lead to decreased empathy, making it harder for individuals to understand or share the feelings of others.
Additionally, the lifestyle associated with chronic drug abuse can also contribute to a loss of empathy. As individuals become more focused on obtaining and using drugs, they may start to neglect their relationships and responsibilities, which can further erode their ability to connect with others on an emotional level.
Furthermore, individuals with substance use disorders often experience a range of negative emotions, such as guilt, shame, anxiety, and depression, which can make it harder for them to empathize with others. They might also become defensive or dismissive of others' feelings as a way of protecting themselves from these negative emotions.
However, it's important to note that these changes are not necessarily permanent. Many people who recover from substance use disorders are able to rebuild their capacity for empathy with time, treatment, and effort. Cognitive-behavioral therapies, mindfulness practices, and other therapeutic approaches can help individuals to improve their emotional understanding and empathy.
Drug and alcohol abuse can have severe consequences for any community, and the African American community is no exception. While it is important to recognize that substance abuse affects individuals from all racial and ethnic backgrounds, certain factors and challenges may uniquely impact the African American community. Some effects of drug and alcohol abuse in the African American community include:
Addressing the effects of drug and alcohol abuse in the African American community requires comprehensive, culturally sensitive approaches that take into account the unique challenges faced by this population. This may include increasing access to quality healthcare, providing culturally competent substance abuse treatment, addressing systemic issues such as racial discrimination and socioeconomic disparities, and fostering community-based support networks and resources to promote resilience and recovery.
National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.
All calls are strictly confidential
Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.
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