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Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Programs in Calverton, NY

Calverton, NY has nearby choices for addiction treatment including: 2 low cost programs, 3 inpatient rehab centers, 4 drug rehabs that take private insurance like Blue Cross Blue Shield, 3 drug detox, 1 outpatient treatment program.

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Clinical Review Staff

Dr. Gina M Jansheski, M.D.

Dr. Gina Jansheski, M.D.

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, M.D., M.S.

Dr. Po-Chang Hsu, MD, MS

Renee Warmbrodt, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Renee Warmbrodt, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Drug and Alcohol Rehabs Serving the Calverton, New York Area:

    drug rehab facility - Wellbridge Residential Program NY
    525 Jan Way
    Calverton, NY. 11933

    Wellbridge Residential Program is known for dedicating its recovery services to the individuals who struggle with substance use issues in Calverton, New York and its surrounding areas.

    Programs are offered on an individual basis to make sure people find full recovery in the long term. Wellbridge Residential Program has also specialized in cognitive/behavior therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, anger management, trauma-related counseling, and others - as well as many other treatment modalities such as residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, persons with serious mental illness, social skills development, transgender or (LGBT) clients, legal advocacy, and more.

    Additionally, Wellbridge Residential Program has programs such as outpatient detox centers, short term drug addiction treatment, outpatient hospital programs, long term drug and alcohol rehab programs, inpatient treatment programs for clients with addictions to alcohol and drugs. The drug and alcohol rehab program uses treatment modalities that can provide permanent stability to anyone with a substance use problem. Finally, Wellbridge Residential Program accepts individuals with different types of payment methods - including cash or self-payment, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state welfare or child and family services funds and others.

    alcohol treatment facility - Wellbridge Rehabilitation Program NY
    525 Jan Way
    Calverton, NY. 11933

    Wellbridge Rehabilitation Program has made a name for itself by dedicating its addiction services to the people who struggle with substance use disorders in Calverton, NY. and within the surrounding neighborhoods.

    Programs are provided on an individual basis to ensure clients achieve full recovery in the long term. Wellbridge Rehabilitation Program has also specialized in cognitive/behavior therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, anger management, trauma-related counseling, and others - as well as other treatment modalities such as residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, persons with serious mental illness, social skills development, transgender or (LGBT) clients, legal advocacy, and more.

    Additionally, Wellbridge Rehabilitation Program has programs such as outpatient detoxification centers, short term drug and alcohol rehabs, outpatient hospital programs, long term treatment facilities, inpatient drug rehab facilities for clients with addictions to drugs and alcohol. The drug and alcohol rehab center uses treatment modalities that can provide permanent stability to anyone with a drug and alcohol abuse disorder. Finally, Wellbridge Rehabilitation Program accepts individuals with different kinds of payment methods - including private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, medicaid, medicare, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state welfare or child and family services funds and others.

    alcohol rehab facility - Wellbridge Stabilization Prog NY
    525 Jan Way
    Calverton, NY. 11933

    Wellbridge Stabilization Prog has made a name for itself by dedicating its addiction services to the people who struggle with drug and alcohol use disorders in the Calverton area.

    Services are provided on an individualized basis to ensure clients find full recovery in the long term. Wellbridge Stabilization Prog has also specialized in cognitive/behavior therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, anger management, trauma-related counseling, and others - as well as many other treatment modalities such as residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, persons with serious mental illness, social skills development, transgender or (LGBT) clients, legal advocacy, and more.

    Additionally, Wellbridge Stabilization Prog has programs such as detox centers, short term drug treatment, outpatient day treatment, long term drug and alcohol rehab facilities, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs for verifiable addictions to alcohol and drugs. The alcohol and drug treatment facility uses treatment methods that can provide permanent stability to anyone with a drug and alcohol abuse disorder. Finally, Wellbridge Stabilization Prog accepts clients with different kinds of payment methods - including private pay, private insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state welfare or child and family services funds and others.

    Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc Chemical Dependency OutpatientSAMHSA

    alcohol treatment program - Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc NY
    400 West Main Street
    Riverhead, NY. 11901

    Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc is 4.4 miles from Calverton, NY

    Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc is known for dedicating its addiction services to the people who struggle with substance abuse disorders in the Calverton area.

    Services are offered on an individual basis to ensure clients find full recovery in the long term. Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc also specializes in cognitive/behavior therapy, 12-step facilitation approach, trauma therapy, couple/family therapy, anger management, trauma-related counseling, and others - as well as many other treatment modalities such as residential beds for client's children, persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, persons with serious mental illness, social skills development, transgender or (LGBT) clients, legal advocacy, and more.

    Additionally, Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc has programs such as outpatient detoxification programs, short term drug treatment, outpatient day treatment, long term treatment programs, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs for clients with addictions to alcohol and drugs. The alcohol and drug treatment program uses treatment modalities that can provide lasting and permanent stability to anyone with a substance use problem. Finally, Family Servs League/Suffolk County Inc accepts clients with different types of payment methods - including private pay, private medical insurance, payment assistance, medicare, medicaid, access to recovery (atr) voucher, state welfare or child and family services funds and others.

      Commonly Asked Questions about Addiction and Treatment

      If a drug abuser loved their family wouldn't they stop?

      Substance Use Disorder, commonly known as addiction, is a complex disease that affects the brain and behavior. It's important to understand that addiction is not a matter of willpower or moral strength, and it doesn't reflect an individual's love or lack of love for their family. Here's why a person struggling with addiction might not simply stop, even if they deeply care for their family:

      Altered Brain Function: Drugs can alter the brain's structure and function, especially in areas related to reward, judgment, decision-making, learning, and memory. This can lead to intense cravings and a compulsive desire to use drugs, despite knowing the harm they're causing.

      Physical Dependence: Regular use of certain drugs can lead to physical dependence, where the body needs the drug to function normally. Stopping the drug can cause uncomfortable or even dangerous withdrawal symptoms, which can make quitting extremely difficult without medical help.

      Psychological Dependence: Some individuals use drugs to cope with stress, trauma, or mental health disorders. These individuals may feel they cannot function or feel normal without the substance, and overcoming this psychological dependence can be challenging.

      Fear of Withdrawal: Fear of the withdrawal process, which can be physically and emotionally painful, can deter individuals from quitting, even if they want to stop for their loved ones.

      Denial: Many people struggling with addiction are in denial about the extent of their problem. They may not realize or admit how much their substance use is hurting themselves and their family.

      Loving someone, even deeply, does not automatically grant the ability to overcome addiction. Recovery often requires professional help and involves more than just the decision to stop using drugs. It includes learning new coping skills, addressing underlying issues that may contribute to the addiction, and receiving ongoing support. With proper treatment and support, many people are able to recover from addiction and rebuild their relationships with their loved ones.

      What are the effects of drug and alcohol abuse in the African American community?

      Drug and alcohol abuse can have severe consequences for any community, and the African American community is no exception. While it is important to recognize that substance abuse affects individuals from all racial and ethnic backgrounds, certain factors and challenges may uniquely impact the African American community. Some effects of drug and alcohol abuse in the African American community include:

      • Health disparities: Substance abuse can exacerbate existing health disparities within the African American community, contributing to higher rates of chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, hypertension, and diabetes. These health issues may be further compounded by limited access to healthcare and preventative services.
      • Mental health: Substance abuse is often linked to mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The African American community may face additional stressors, such as racial discrimination and socioeconomic disparities, which can increase the risk of developing mental health disorders.
      • Family and social relationships: Drug and alcohol abuse can strain family relationships, disrupt social networks, and negatively impact the overall well-being of the community. Substance abuse may also contribute to a cycle of generational trauma and dysfunction.
      • Economic impact: Substance abuse can lead to reduced productivity, job loss, and financial strain, further exacerbating economic disparities within the African American community. Additionally, communities affected by high levels of substance abuse may struggle to attract businesses and investment, further limiting economic opportunities.
      • Crime and incarceration: Drug and alcohol abuse can be associated with an increased likelihood of engaging in criminal activities, which can result in arrest, incarceration, and other legal consequences. African Americans are disproportionately affected by the criminal justice system, and substance abuse may further contribute to this disparity.
      • Barriers to treatment: African Americans may face unique barriers to accessing substance abuse treatment, such as a lack of culturally competent care, stigma, and limited access to affordable, high-quality treatment options.
      • Impact on youth: Substance abuse within the African American community can have long-lasting effects on children and adolescents, who may be at higher risk for academic difficulties, mental health issues, and substance abuse themselves later in life.

      Addressing the effects of drug and alcohol abuse in the African American community requires comprehensive, culturally sensitive approaches that take into account the unique challenges faced by this population. This may include increasing access to quality healthcare, providing culturally competent substance abuse treatment, addressing systemic issues such as racial discrimination and socioeconomic disparities, and fostering community-based support networks and resources to promote resilience and recovery.

      How do addictive drugs influence behavior?

      Addictive drugs influence behavior by interacting with the brain's reward system. This system is responsible for driving pleasurable feelings and motivating behaviors essential to human survival, such as eating and socializing. Addictive substances can hijack this system, leading to changes in behavior and brain function.

      Here's a simplified explanation of how this works:

      Alteration of Neurotransmitter Activity: Addictive substances often increase the levels of certain neurotransmitters, chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells in the brain. One key neurotransmitter affected by many drugs is dopamine, which is closely associated with feelings of pleasure and reward.

      Overstimulation of the Reward System: By increasing dopamine levels, addictive drugs overstimulate the reward system, often creating a sense of euphoria. This intense pleasure can lead individuals to repeat the drug use to recapture this feeling.

      Development of Tolerance and Dependence: Over time, the brain adapts to the increased dopamine levels by producing less dopamine or reducing the number of receptors that can receive signals. As a result, the drug's effects are lessened, a phenomenon known as tolerance. This can lead users to take increasingly larger doses of the drug to achieve the same dopamine high. This cycle can lead to dependence, where the brain relies on the drug to function normally.

      Withdrawal and Cravings: When the drug is not taken, withdrawal symptoms can occur as the brain attempts to rebalance itself. These can include negative emotions like anxiety and depression, physical symptoms like nausea or restlessness, and intense cravings for the drug.

      Compulsive Drug-seeking Behavior: As the cycle of tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, and cravings continues, individuals may engage in compulsive drug-seeking behavior, even when faced with negative health, social, or legal consequences. This is a key characteristic of addiction.

      Impairment in Decision-making and Self-control: Long-term drug use can also cause changes to other areas of the brain that impair decision-making, self-control, judgment, learning, and memory, further fueling the cycle of addiction.

      National Non Profit Helpline - 1-877-882-9275
      Our National Non Profit Helpline is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families faced with mental and/or substance use disorders.

      All calls are strictly confidential

      Our service provides referrals to licensed treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. You don't have to struggle alone with addiction. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-877-882-9275 now to get the help you need and deserve.


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